See also: tvåa and två

Faroese edit

Etymology edit

From Old Norse þvá, from Proto-Germanic *þwahaną.

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit

tváa (third person singular past indicative tváaði, third person plural past indicative tváaðu, supine tváað)
tváa (third person singular past indicative tvó, third person plural past indicative tvógu, supine tvigið) (archaic)

  1. (poetic) to wash, to lave

Conjugation edit

Conjugation of tváa (group v-30)
infinitive tváa
supine tváað
participle (a6)1 tváandi tváaður
present past
first singular tvái tváaði
second singular tváar tváaði
third singular tváar tváaði
plural tváa tváaðu
singular tváa!
plural tváið!
1Only the past participle being declined.