Old Ruthenian

а́ґрестъ (sense 1)

Alternative forms




First attested in the early 18th century. Borrowed from Polish agrest, from Old Polish agrest, from Italian agresto, from agro.[1][2][3][4] Cognate with Czech angrešt, Slovak egreš, Serbo-Croatian а̀грош / àgroš.



акгрестъ (agrestm inan

  1. gooseberry
  2. sour wine from unripe grapes




  1. ^ Melnychuk, O. S., editor (1982), “агрус”, in Етимологічний словник української мови [Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] (in Ukrainian), volume 1 (А – Г), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, page 47:ст. аґрестъ, аґритъ (XVIII ст.)st. agrest, agryt (XVIII st.)
  2. ^ Rudnyc'kyj, Ja. (1962–1972) “а́грус”, in An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, volumes 1 (А – Ґ), Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences, →LCCN, page 9:MUk. аґрисъ, аґрестъ (XVIII c.)
  3. ^ Martynaŭ, V. U., editor (1978), “агрэ́ст”, in Этымалагічны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Etymological Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), volumes 1 (А – бячэ́йка), Minsk: Navuka i technika, page 75:ст.-бел. агрестъ (1722)
  4. ^ Anikin, A. E. (2007) “а́грест”, in Русский этимологический словарь [Russian Etymological Dictionary] (in Russian), issue 1 (A – аяюшка), Moscow: Manuscript Monuments Ancient Rus, →ISBN, page 95:агрест, агрост 1670agrest, agrost 1670

Further reading

  • Tymchenko, E. K., editor (1930), “аґрестъ, аґритъ”, in Історичний словник українського язика [Historical Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] (in Ukrainian), volume 1, number 1 (А – Г), Kharkiv, Kyiv: State Publishing House of Ukraine, page 7
  • Zhurawski, A. I., editor (1982), “агрестъ”, in Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 1 (а – биенье), Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, page 68
  • Tymchenko, E. K. (2002) “агрестъ”, in Nimchuk, V. V., editor, Матеріали до словника писемної та книжної української мови XV–XVIII ст. [Materials for the Dictionary of the Written and Book Ukrainian Language of 15ᵗʰ–18ᵗʰ cc.] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1 (А – Н), Kyiv, New York: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., →ISBN, page 26