
Bulgarian edit

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit

посеща́вам (poseštávam) first-singular present indicativeimpf (perfective посетя́)

  1. (transitive, intransitive) to visit, to call on (to go and meet a person or see a place)
    Наистина трябва по-често да посещавам леля си.
    Naistina trjabva po-često da poseštavam lelja si.
    I really should visit my aunt more often.
  2. (transitive, intransitive) to attend (to go regularly to a place)
    Децата ни посещават едно и също училище.
    Decata ni poseštavat edno i sǎšto učilište.
    Our children attend the same school.

Conjugation edit