Old Armenian




From թափ (tʻapʻ).



թափեմ (tʻapʻem)  (aorist indicative թափեցի)

  1. (transitive) to spill, to empty, to pour out (a liquid, a glass); to overturn, to cast down, to fling or throw down; to cast off, to discharge
    թափել զբաժակtʻapʻel zbažakto drink off the cup to its dregs; to drink up
    թափեաց նաւն զբեռնtʻapʻeacʻ nawn zbeṙnthe ship is unloaded
    թափել զատամնtʻapʻel zatamnto extract, to pull out, to draw a tooth
    թափել զդրունսtʻapʻel zdrunsto unhinge the doors
    բեւեռովք զբեւեռ թափելbeweṙovkʻ zbeweṙ tʻapʻelone nail drives out another (new things or persons make old ones forgotten)
    թափել զոգի ուրուքtʻapʻel zogi urukʻto harass, to hold in suspense
    թափել զքունtʻapʻel zkʻunto rouse oneself, to awaken
    թափել զգինիtʻapʻel zginito get sober again, to sleep off drunkenness or debauch
    թափել ի բաց զոգիtʻapʻel i bacʻ zogito die, to perish
    թափել զցասումն, զոխս ի վերայ ուրուքtʻapʻel zcʻasumn, zoxs i veray urukʻto vent one's anger, to wreak one's vengeance
    թափել զթոյնս յոքtʻapʻel ztʻoyns yokʻto give vent to one's angry passions
    թափել զմաղձնtʻapʻel zmałjnto discharge one's bile, to vent one's spleen
    թափել զտուննtʻapʻel ztunnto remove, to change habitation, to empty a house of its furniture
    թափել զսուր իւր յոքtʻapʻel zsur iwr yokʻto draw the sword against, to brandish the sword
    թափել զինքն ի գրաստէնtʻapʻel zinkʻn i grastēnto dismount, to leap from horseback
    թափել զինչսtʻapʻel zinčʻsto spend, to dissipate, to waste, to squander
    թափել զոյժ եւ զզօրութիւնtʻapʻel zoyž ew zzōrutʻiwnto make great efforts, to employ all one's energy, to do any thing in the world; to strive with all one's heart, to sharpen one's tools, to prepare oneself
    թափել զբանն յումեքէtʻapʻel zbann yumekʻēto interrupt a discourse
  2. (transitive) to deliver, to release, to relieve (e.g. a city or a person from death, danger, captivity)
    թափել զոք յիմեքէtʻapʻel zokʻ yimekʻēto despoil, to deprive of
    թափել զոք ի ձեռաց ուրուքtʻapʻel zokʻ i jeṙacʻ urukʻto save one from the hands of another, to liberate, to rescue
    թափել զբարկութիւն յումեքէtʻapʻel zbarkutʻiwn yumekʻēto free from the effects of another's resentment, to pardon
    թափել զանձնtʻapʻel zanjnto escape, to disengage oneself, to get rid off, to abscond; (figuratively) to humiliate, to abase, to lower oneself to
    ծունր կրկնեսցի թափեցելումն վասն մերcunr krknescʻi tʻapʻecʻelumn vasn merlet every knee bend before the incarnate Word
    թափել զոք ի կենացtʻapʻel zokʻ i kenacʻto deprive of life, to massacre
    թափել ի միմեանց (զարս ի կռուի)tʻapʻel i mimeancʻ (zars i kṙui)to separate the combatants
    ե՛րթ թափեա՛ զմեզ ի քէնértʻ tʻapʻeá zmez i kʻēnflee from our hands!
    թափել ի լծոյtʻapʻel i lcoyto throw off the yoke
  3. (transitive) to take away, to take by force, to possess oneself of
    թափել կապուտ, աւար բազում, զկապուտ սաստիկtʻapʻel kaput, awar bazum, zkaput sastikto make a great booty, to pillage, to sack
  4. (transitive) to add (a word)
    ածել թափելacel tʻapʻelto add, to subjoin; to conclude
  5. (mediopassive, intransitive) to pour out, to spread, to flow
    թափել աման յամանէtʻapʻel aman yamanēto be decanted, poured from one vessel to another
    թափել ի վերայtʻapʻel i verayto fall on (the enemy); to rush against; to dash, to dart, to rush upon
    թափել յերկնից յերկիրtʻapʻel yerknicʻ yerkirto descend from heaven
    թափել գինւոյtʻapʻel ginwoyto recover from intoxication
    թափել հրոյ յերկաթոյtʻapʻel hroy yerkatʻoyto strike fire, to produce sparks
  6. (mediopassive, intransitive) to be deprived of
    թափել ի մտաց, ի խելացtʻapʻel i mtacʻ, i xelacʻto grow foolish, to become mad, to lose one's mind
    թափել գոյնtʻapʻel goynto lose colour, to fade
    թափել գբոցtʻapʻel gbocʻto be dried up, exhausted
    թափել տրտմութեան յարտասուացtʻapʻel trtmutʻean yartasuacʻto vent one's grief in tears
  7. (mediopassive, intransitive) to get rid of, to free oneself from, to disentangle oneself, to flee, to save oneself by flight
    թափել յումեքէ ի բացtʻapʻel yumekʻē i bacʻto leave, to desert, to abandon
    ի բաց թափերուք յինէն, ե՛րթ թափեաց յինէնi bacʻ tʻapʻerukʻ yinēn, értʻ tʻapʻeacʻ yinēnbe off! get out! go away!
  8. (mediopassive, intransitive) to take refuge, to emigrate
  9. (mediopassive, intransitive) to go, to reach (a country)




  • Armenian: թափել (tʻapʻel)


  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “թափեմ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1971–1979) “թափ”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press