
Latest comment: 4 years ago by KevinUp in topic RFC discussion: October 2019

RFC discussion: October 2019


The following discussion has been moved from Wiktionary:Requests for cleanup (permalink).

This discussion is no longer live and is left here as an archive. Please do not modify this conversation, but feel free to discuss its conclusions.

This Kelantanese Malay entry was created right in the middle of another language section with a nonstandard header and used Malay templates. I fixed it up the best I could, but I know nothing about the language. I hope I got the language name and code right (we seem to call it Pattani Malay), and I'm not sure it's in the right script. Chuck Entz (talk) 14:53, 27 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

@KevinUp, Xbypass Is one of you knowledgable about this variety of Malay? ←₰-→ Lingo Bingo Dingo (talk) 14:04, 29 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
The language name and code is correct. However, the usage example ("Budok tu brehi bena ketek bare ore") was copied verbatim (word-for-word) from Glosari Dialek Kelantan [Glossary of Kelantan Dialect] (in Malay), Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2016, →ISBN which has transcriptions of dialectal Malay expressions in Latin script. There are also other issues with the entry:
  1. Appears to be Terengganu Malay [1] rather than Kelantan-Pattani Malay. [2]. I'm not sure why it was included in the book. Perhaps ketek is used to disambiguate from curi (to steal) which also has the sense "to hide" in Kelantanese Malay.
  2. The spelling needs "ê" (/e/) to distinguish from /ə/. The spelling "ketek" (/kə.təʔ/) is incorrect because there are no dialectal Malay words that rhymes or ends with /təʔ/ or /əʔ/. The correct spelling could be one of these:
  1. ketêk (/kə.teʔ/) (Kelantan dialect: "to bite; Buddhist temple") [3]
  2. kêtêk (/ke.teʔ/) (Terengganu dialect: "to steal; buttons") [4] (Note that Terengganu dialect is considered part of Category:Regional Malay so "ê" can be excluded from its spelling.)
  3. ketik (/kə.tiʔ/) (Kelantan dialect: "to steal petty or insignificant items; to bite") [5] KevinUp (talk) 16:56, 29 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
Anyway, the same spelling (ketek) is also used for other words in the Malay/Indonesian archipelago but I am not sure whether "ê" is used for these languages:
  1. Betawi - variation of Malay ketiak (armpit) (/kɛ.tɛʔ/)
  2. Minangkabau - "small; a little" (/kɛ.tɛʔ/)
  3. Javanese - "monkey; ape" (/kə.tɛʔ/)
@Chuck Entz My recommendation is to remove the entry for now (and archive this discussion) because the spelling is incorrect and cannot be determined unless an audio recording is available. The usage example copied directly from the book is also a poor method of constructing a new entry. KevinUp (talk) 16:56, 29 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
@Lingo Bingo Dingo Unfortunately, I am not. I will observe it for a while.--Xbypass (talk) 16:15, 31 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Closed. Entry has been converted from Pattani Malay to Malay. KevinUp (talk) 01:38, 8 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

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