
This template is used to specify a manual conjugation table. It is preferred to use {{be-conj}} instead (not yet implemented).



An example:

|pres_futr_1sg=падніму́, падыму́
|pres_futr_2sg=падні́меш, пады́меш
|pres_futr_3sg=падні́ме, пады́ме
|pres_futr_1pl=падні́мем, пады́мем
|pres_futr_2pl=падні́меце, пады́меце
|pres_futr_3pl=падні́муць, пады́муць
|impr_sg=паднімі́, падымі́
|impr_pl=паднімі́це, падымі́це

which produces



The param |aspect= is required, and must have the value pf, impf or both. The template will automatically add the page to a category based on the aspect (e.g. Category:Belarusian perfective verbs), as well as Category:Belarusian reflexive verbs if the verb is reflexive (infinitive ends in -ца or -ся).

The title bar text can be overridden using |title=.

Multiple forms


As shown, you can include multiple comma-separated forms in a given slot, and they will be properly displayed and linked.

Missing values


Specifying - for a slot or simply omitting the corresponding param indicates that the slot has no value.



You can also include footnotes by adding a footnote symbol (e.g. a number or *) after the form to be footnoted, along with a param |footnote= to indicate the footnote text; the footnote symbol should come at the beginning of the text to |footnote=. (If you need to include multiple footnotes, use |footnote2= for the second footnote's text, |footnote3= for the third footnote's text, etc.) The footnote symbols will automatically be excluded from the links and superscripted.