
Normally there is only one parameter to specify, e.g.


which produces

The general format is the verb lemma (the infinitive, including reflexive suffix if any), followed by a spec in angle brackets. The format of the spec is


where CONJ is e.g. 1a or 4c, i.e. it consists of the conjugation class (modeled after Zaliznyak's Russian conjugation classes; classes run between 1 and 15) and a code indicating the stress pattern in the present tense, either a (stem stress throughout), b (ending stress throughout) or c (ending stress in the first singular, otherwise stem stress). The PROPS are separated by a .. In general, the following properties are required:

  • Aspect: impf for imperfective, pf for perfective, both for biaspectual.
  • Transitivity: tr for transitive, intr for intransitive, mixed for mixed-transitive (can be either transitive or intransitive). All non-reflexive verbs must specify the transitivity.
  • Existence of past passive participle: ppp (or a variant such as ppp- for a retracted past passive participle) if a past passive participle exists, -ppp if it does not exist. All perfective non-reflexive transitive verbs must specify this.

Some conjugation classes require additional information; this is described below.

The following additional properties exist:

  • Vowel alternations: ao to indicate that an а or я directly preceding the stressed syllable in the infinitive is underlyingly о or ё, respectively. Similarly, ae indicates that an а or я directly preceding the stressed syllable in the infinitive is underlyingly э or е, respectively. The underlying vowel may resurface when the stress moves. For example, гавары́ць (havarýcʹ) has underlying о vowels in it, as shown by its Russian cognate говори́ть (govorítʹ) and by its behavior when the stress moves, for example in the second-person singular present indicative form гаво́рыш. An example where ae is needed is рашы́ць (rašýcʹ), with second-person singular present indicative рэ́шыш. An example where neither code should be given is плаці́ць (placícʹ), with second-person singular present indicative пла́ціш. As shown in these examples, the underlying nature of the vowel is not predictable.
  • Imperative form: longimp for a "long imperative" (second person singular ends in or ), shortimp for a "short imperative" (second person singular ends in a consonant or ). If not specified, the module guesses, and is usually right. Generally this only needs to be given in the following circumstances:
    1. shortimp may be required for prefixed perfective verbs in вы́-, which default to long imperatives. In particular, prefixed verbs in вы́- take the same imperative form as the non-prefixed equivalent: long if the non-prefixed verb has stress pattern b or c, otherwise short unless the stem ends in two consonants (excluding дз, which is treated as a single consonant). As the module cannot know the stress pattern of the equivalent non-prefixed verb, it defaults to long.
    2. shortimp may also be required for certain verbs of stress pattern a whose stem ends in two or more consonants, e.g. паго́ршыць (pahóršycʹ), whose imperative is паго́рш (rather than expected #паго́ршы).
  • -imp: Specify that the verb has no imperative forms.
  • -pres: Specify that the verb has no present or future forms, e.g. знава́ць (znavácʹ).
  • 3only: Specify that the verb has only third-person forms. This automatically implies -imp.
  • impers: Specify that the verb is impersonal, i.e. it has only third-person singular forms, and only neuter singular forms in the past.
  • pres:STEM Override the present-tense stem. Also applies to the perfective future. This is mandatory for class 14, where the present tense is too irregular to be generated automatically, and is required for certain verbs in certain other classes, e.g. class 6 браць (bracʹ) (use pres:бер), class 14 узя́ць (uzjácʹ) (use pres:возьм), class 5 пагна́ць (pahnácʹ) (use pres:паго́н), class 6 слаць (slacʹ) (use pres:шл in the meaning "to send", pres:сцел in the meaning "to spread"). As shown in the examples, the underlying vowels should always be used, and an accent is required if the stress pattern is a or c and the stem has more than one syllable.
  • For class 7 verbs ending in -сці, one of д, т, с, ст or в must be given, indicating the final stem consonant(s) in the present tense.
  • For class 7 and 8 verbs whose past tense masculine singular has ё in it, use the code ё. Examples are class 7 не́сці (njésci) (past tense masculine singular нёс), class 8 ле́гчы (ljéhčy) (past tense masculine singular лёг), пячы́ (pjačý) (past tense masculine singular пёк; for this verb, the code ae is also required). Also use code ё with грэ́бці (hrébci) and derivatives, whose past tense masculine singular has an о in it (e.g. гроб).

Conjugation modifiers

For some classes, additional specifications can be attached to the conjugation class:

  • Add /b after the conjugation class (e.g. 8a/b) to indicate that the past tense follows stress pattern b (consistently ending-stressed).
  • Use 3°a to indicate a class 3 verb with short past tense (lacking the -ну- infix).
  • In classes 9 and 11, use a * after the conjugation class (e.g. 9*b, 11*b) to indicate that an extra а (underlying о) appears after the prefix in the present tense. This applies, for example, to class 9b распе́рці (raspjérci) (present tense разапру́) and class 11b збіць (zbicʹ) (present tense саб'ю́). As shown in these examples, sometimes an с changes into a з or vice-versa; the module automatically handles this. A similar alternation also occurs in some class 6 and 14 verbs, but for those verbs, this alternation must be specified explicitly using pres:STEM.

Past passive participles

A given transitive verb may or may not have a past passive participle (PPP), and it may be formed in different ways. It is mandatory for perfective transitive verbs to specify whether the verb has a PPP, and is it recommended for imperfective transitive verbs to specify this as well. (If left unspecified, an imperfective transitive verb will not be given a PPP.) To specify that a verb does not have a PPP, use -ppp, for example with павадзі́ць (pavadzícʹ, to lead):


which produces

To specify that a verb does have a PPP, normally use ppp. This constructs a PPP according to certain rules. Sometimes, however, the default rules need to be modified. Most commonly, this concerns whether or not the PPP has retracted stress. Non-retracted stress means that the stress is on the final syllable of the stem, e.g. in капа́ны from капа́ць (kapácʹ, to dig) or надзе́ты from надзе́ць (nadzjécʹ, to put on (clothing)). Retracted stress means that the stress is on the preceding syllable (or sometimes even farther to the left), as in пі́саны from піса́ць (pisácʹ, to write) or гаво́раны from гавары́ць (havarýcʹ, to speak). The issue of retracted vs. non-retracted stress is mostly relevant to verbs where the stress is on the ending, either in the infinitive or in the present tense. Verbs with consistent stress on the root almost always have the same stress pattern in the PPP.

By default, the PPP stress is retracted in the following cases:

  • All verbs with stress not on the final syllable in the infinitive.
  • Verbs of class 4c, 7, 8 and 10.

The stress is non-retracted by default in all other verbs.

Use the following codes to control the PPP stress:

  • ppp to specify that a PPP exists with default stress.
  • ppp- to specify that a PPP exists with retracted stress.
  • ppp+ to specify that a PPP exists with non-retracted stress.
  • ppp-+ to specify that a PPP exists with both retracted and non-retracted stress (listing the retracted variant first).
  • ppp+- to specify that a PPP exists with both non-retracted and retracted stress (listing the non-retracted variant first).

For example, class 6c піса́ць (pisácʹ, to write) would have default PPP піса́ны, but the actual PPP is retracted пі́саны. To specify this, use ppp-, as follows:


which produces

An example of ppp+- is class 2a будава́ць (budavácʹ, to build), whose PPP is either non-retracted будава́ны or retracted будо́ваны (the а/о alternation is automatic in class 2):


which produces

In addition, you can override the PPP entirely using ppp:PARTICIPLE, or ppp:PARTICIPLE1:PARTICIPLE2:... to specify multiple PPP's. An example where this is necessary is памяну́ць (pamjanúcʹ, to remember):


which produces

Class 10 additionally allows variant codes such as pppt to specify that the PPP ends in -ты (the default), pppn to specify that the PPP ends in -ны, or ppptn to specify that the PPP ends in either -ты or -ны. This is used in кало́ць (kalócʹ, to split, to stab, to prick) (and derivatives), with PPP either ко́латы or ко́ланы:


which produces

Present adverbial participles

Almost all imperfective verbs have present adverbial participles. The present adverbial participle (PrAdP) is normally formed from the third plural present indicative by replacing the final -ць with -чы (stressed -чы́ if the verb follows stress pattern b). Sometimes, however, the PrAdP is irregular, most commonly by having unpredictable stress. To control this, use codes similar to those for past passive participles:

  • pradp- to specify that stress is retracted onto the root.
  • pradp+ to specify that stress is on the ending.
  • pradp! to specify that stress is on the suffix (i.e. the syllable preceding the ending).
  • pradp!+, pradp+- etc. to specify that multiple variants exist.

An example is ве́сці (vjésci, to lead, to conduct). This verb is stress pattern b, with third plural present indicative веду́ць, and hence the default PrAdP is ведучы́. In reality, however, both веду́чы (suffix stress) and ведучы́ (ending stress) are possible. To specify this, use pradp!+:


which produces

An example where pradp- is necessary is class 5b глядзе́ць (hljadzjécʹ, to look at, to watch), where the PrAdP is гле́дзячы, with unexpected root stress:


which produces

You can also override the PrAdP entirely using pradp:PARTICIPLE, or pradp:PARTICIPLE1:PARTICIPLE2:... to specify multiple PrAdP's, similarly to PPP's.

Finally, to specify that no PrAdP exists, use pradp:-.

Verb classes

Class Infinitive ending Present tense Sample verbs
1a -аць
-аю, -ае
-яю, -яе
-ею, -ее
-эю, -эе
чыта́ць (čytácʹ)
2a, 2b -аваць
-ую, -уе
-юю, -юе
працава́ць (pracavácʹ)
3a, 3b, 3c -нуць -ну, -не
4a, 4b, 4c -іць
/ (iotated), -іць (non-iotated)
, -ыць
5a, 5b, 5c -ець
/ (iotated), -іць (non-iotated)
, -ыць
(iotated), -іць (non-iotated)
, -іць
6a, 6b, 6c -аць
/ (iotated), (iotated)
/ (iotated), (iotated)
6°a, 6°b, 6°c -аць (non-iotated), (non-iotated)
7a, 7b -(C)ці ,
8a, 8b -чы
-ку, -че
-гу, -же
9a, 9b -ерці -ру, -рэ
10a, 10c -ало́ць/-алаць
-алю, -о́ле/-́але
-ару, -о́ра/-́ара
11a, 11b -([вбмп])іць
-'ю, -'е
-лью, -льє
12a, 12b -Vць -Vю, -Vє
(past passive participle in -цьй)
13b -ава́ць -аю́, -ае́ дава́ць (davácʹ)
14a, 14b, 14c -аць, -яць -му/-ну, -ме/-не пача́ць (pačácʹ), прыня́ць (prynjácʹ)
15a -а́ць -а́ну, -а́не стаць (stacʹ)
16a, 16b -ыць -ыву, -ыве жыць (žycʹ)


Verb Conjugation Notes
варо́чаць (varóčacʹ) {{be-conj|варо́чаць<>}}
апазна́ць (apaznácʹ) {{be-conj|апазна́ць<>}}
абяца́ць (abjacácʹ) {{be-conj|абяца́ць<>}}
абарача́цца (abaračácca) {{be-conj|абарача́цца<1a.impf>}}
паспрача́цца (paspračácca) {{be-conj|паспрача́цца<>}}
страля́ць (straljácʹ) {{be-conj|страля́ць<>}}
зразуме́ць (zrazumjécʹ) {{be-conj|зразуме́ць<>}}
хварэ́ць (xvarécʹ) {{be-conj|хварэ́ць<1a.impf.intr>}}
будава́ць (budavácʹ) {{be-conj|будава́ць<>}}
дзя́каваць (dzjákavacʹ) {{be-conj|дзя́каваць<2a.impf.intr>}}
межава́ць (mježavácʹ) {{be-conj|межава́ць<>}}
нарысава́ць (narysavácʹ) {{be-conj|нарысава́ць<>}}
палява́ць (paljavácʹ) {{be-conj|палява́ць<>}}
плява́ць (pljavácʹ) {{be-conj|плява́ць<2b.impf.intr>}}
кі́нуць (kínucʹ) {{be-conj|кі́нуць<>}}
уні́кнуць (uníknucʹ) {{be-conj|уні́кнуць<3°>}}
дасягну́ць (dasjahnúcʹ) {{be-conj|дасягну́ць<>}}
памяну́ць (pamjanúcʹ) {{be-conj|памяну́ць<памянёны:памя́нуты>}}
цягну́ць (cjahnúcʹ) {{be-conj|цягну́ць<>}}
абвінава́ціць (abvinavácicʹ) {{be-conj|абвінава́ціць<>}}
ба́чыць (báčycʹ) {{be-conj|ба́чыць<>}}
стрэ́ліць (strélicʹ) {{be-conj|стрэ́ліць<>}}
вы́мавіць (výmavicʹ) {{be-conj|вы́мавіць<>}}
ста́віць (stávicʹ) {{be-conj|ста́віць<>}}
чы́сціць (čýscicʹ) {{be-conj|чы́сціць<>}}
паго́ршыць (pahóršycʹ) {{be-conj|паго́ршыць<>}}
аб'яві́ць (abʺjavícʹ) {{be-conj|аб'яві́ць<>}}
абгавары́ць (abhavarýcʹ) {{be-conj|абгавары́ць<>}}
ухілі́цца (uxilícca) {{be-conj|ухілі́цца<>}}
змяні́ць (zmjanícʹ) {{be-conj|змяні́ць<>}}
чарці́ць (čarcícʹ) {{be-conj|чарці́ць<>}}
дары́ць (darýcʹ) {{be-conj|дары́ць<>}}
агле́дзець (ahljédzjecʹ) {{be-conj|агле́дзець<>}}
гарэ́ць (harécʹ) {{be-conj|гарэ́ць<5b.impf.intr.pradp:гаручы́>}}
глядзе́ць (hljadzjécʹ) {{be-conj|глядзе́ць<>}}
ляжа́ць (ljažácʹ) {{be-conj|ляжа́ць<5b.impf.intr.pradp:ле́жучы.ae>}}
стая́ць (stajácʹ) {{be-conj|стая́ць<5b.impf.intr.pradp!>}}
пярдзе́ць (pjardzjécʹ) {{be-conj|пярдзе́ць<>}}
спаць (spacʹ) {{be-conj|спаць<5b.impf.intr.pradp!>}}
пагна́ць (pahnácʹ) {{be-conj|пагна́ць<паго́н>}}
дзе́яць (dzjéjacʹ) {{be-conj|дзе́яць<>}}
вы́мазаць (výmazacʹ) {{be-conj|вы́мазаць<>}}
вы́слаць (výslacʹ) {{be-conj|вы́слаць<вы́сцел>}}
насы́паць (nasýpacʹ) {{be-conj|насы́паць<>}}
праць (pracʹ) {{be-conj|праць<6°пер>}}
слаць (slacʹ) {{be-conj|слаць<шл>}}
смяя́цца (smjajácca) {{be-conj|смяя́цца<>}}
вяза́ць (vjazácʹ) {{be-conj|вяза́ць<>}}
хаце́ць (xacjécʹ) {{be-conj|хаце́ць<>}}
ле́зці (ljézci) {{be-conj|ле́зці<7a.impf.intr>}}
кра́сці (krásci) {{be-conj|кра́сці<д>}}
се́сці (sjésci) {{be-conj|се́сці<д.pres:сяд>}}
ве́зці (vjézci) {{be-conj|ве́зці<7b/ё>}}
упа́сці (upásci) {{be-conj|упа́сці<7b/д>}}
грэ́бці (hrébci) {{be-conj|грэ́бці<7b/ё>}}
нагрэ́бці (nahrébci) {{be-conj|нагрэ́бці<7b/ё>}}
гры́зці (hrýzci) {{be-conj|гры́зці<7b/>}}
ве́сці (vjésci) {{be-conj|ве́сці<7b/!+.д.ё>}}
паве́сці (pavjésci) {{be-conj|паве́сці<7b/д.ё>}}
пле́сці (pljésci) {{be-conj|пле́сці<7b/т.ё>}}
плы́сці (plýsci) {{be-conj|плы́сці<7b/b.impf.intr.в>}}
расці́ (rascí) {{be-conj|расці́<7b/b.impf.intr.pradp:-.ст.ao>}}
цвісці́ (cviscí) {{be-conj|цвісці́<7b/b.impf.intr.т>}}
вярзці́ (vjarzcí) {{be-conj|вярзці́<7b/ё>}}
ле́гчы (ljéhčy) {{be-conj|((ле́гчы<8a/ляг.ё>,ле́гчы<8a/ляг.ё>))}}
сячы́ (sjačý) {{be-conj|сячы́<8b/>}}
стры́гчы (strýhčy) {{be-conj|стры́гчы<8b/>}}
пячы́ (pjačý) {{be-conj|пячы́<8b/ё>}}
берагчы́ (bjerahčý) {{be-conj|берагчы́<8b/>}}
валачы́ (valačý) {{be-conj|валачы́<8b/вало́чачы.ao>}}
навалачы́ (navalačý) {{be-conj|навалачы́<8b/>}}
магчы́ (mahčý) {{be-conj|магчы́<8c/>}}
вы́перці (výpjerci) {{be-conj|вы́перці<>}}
це́рці (cjérci) {{be-conj|це́рці<>}}
расце́рці (rascjérci) {{be-conj|расце́рці<9*>}}
адпе́рці (adpjérci) {{be-conj|адпе́рці<9*>}}
зме́рці (zmjérci) {{be-conj|зме́рці<9*>}}
вы́палаць (výpalacʹ) {{be-conj|вы́палаць<>}}
кало́ць (kalócʹ) {{be-conj|кало́ць<>}}
мало́ць (malócʹ) {{be-conj|мало́ць<мел>}}
распаро́ць (rasparócʹ) {{be-conj|распаро́ць<>}}
вы́ліць (výlicʹ) {{be-conj|((вы́ліць<>,вы́ліць<вы́лі>))}}
біць (bicʹ) {{be-conj|біць<>}}
піць (picʹ) {{be-conj|піць<11b/>}}
ліць (licʹ) {{be-conj|((ліць<11b/>,ліць<11b/лі>))}}
налі́ць (nalícʹ) {{be-conj|((налі́ць<11b/>,налі́ць<11b/налі>))}}
зліць (zlicʹ) {{be-conj|((зліць<11b/злі>,зліць<11*b/>))}}
вы́віць (vývicʹ) {{be-conj|вы́віць<выў>}}
віць (vicʹ) {{be-conj|((віць<11b/у>,віць<11b/ві>))}}
разві́ць (razvícʹ) {{be-conj|разві́ць<11*b/разаў>}}
распі́ць (raspícʹ) {{be-conj|распі́ць<11*b/>}}
спіць (spicʹ) {{be-conj|спіць<11*b/>}}
вы́шыць (výšycʹ) {{be-conj|вы́шыць<>}}
шыць (šycʹ) {{be-conj|шыць<>}}
грэць (hrecʹ) {{be-conj|грэць<>}}
пець (pjecʹ) {{be-conj|пець<>}}
дзьмуць (dzʹmucʹ) {{be-conj|дзьмуць<12b.impf.intr.pres:дзьм>}}
гніць (hnicʹ) {{be-conj|гніць<12b/b.impf.intr>}}
гні́сці (hnísci) {{be-conj|гні́сці<12b/b.impf.intr>}}
дава́ць (davácʹ) {{be-conj|дава́ць<>}}
вы́няць (výnjacʹ) {{be-conj|вы́няць<вым>}}
зжаць (zžacʹ) {{be-conj|зжаць<сажн>}}
пача́ць (pačácʹ) {{be-conj|пача́ць<14b/пачн>}}
прыня́ць (prynjácʹ) {{be-conj|прыня́ць<14c/прым>}}
узя́ць (uzjácʹ) {{be-conj|узя́ць<14c/возьм>}}
надзе́ць (nadzjécʹ) {{be-conj|надзе́ць<>}}
вы́плыць (výplycʹ) {{be-conj|вы́плыць<>}}
перажы́ць (pjeražýcʹ) {{be-conj|перажы́ць<16b/>}}
даць (dacʹ) {{be-conj|даць<irreg/>}}
з'е́сці (zʺjésci) {{be-conj|з'е́сці<>}}
бе́гчы (bjéhčy) {{be-conj|бе́гчы<irreg.impf.intr>}}
вы́бегчы (výbjehčy) {{be-conj|вы́бегчы<irreg.impf.intr>}}
е́хаць (jéxacʹ) {{be-conj|е́хаць<irreg.impf.intr>}}
забы́ць (zabýcʹ) {{be-conj|забы́ць<>}}
ісці́ (iscí) {{be-conj|ісці́<irreg/b.impf.intr>}}
перайсці́ (pjerajscí) {{be-conj|перайсці́<irreg/>}}
разысці́ся (razyscísja) {{be-conj|разысці́ся<irreg/>}}
вы́йсці (výjsci) {{be-conj|вы́йсці<>}}
увайсці́ (uvajscí) {{be-conj|увайсці́<irreg/>}}