Glyph origin --> Etymology

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

The point is still that new headers must be discussed and have consensus, you can't just use anything you like. And we use "Etymology" for characters in other scripts already, so using it for Chinese too was the option that agreed most with existing practice.

CodeCat21:57, 4 May 2016

I agree with Justin and Suzukaze here. Normally I don't comment on matters like this but this seems a clear case where the change is wrong. Bots aren't supposed to make controversial changes, especially not without discussion. I'd suggest you revert the changes and get some consensus first.

Benwing2 (talk)22:18, 4 May 2016

You want me to revert to a state that doesn't have consensus?

CodeCat22:19, 4 May 2016

Yes. Two wrongs don't make a right. Whether or not there is consensus for the header "Glyph Origin" has no bearing on whether there's consensus to change this to "Etymology", which there clearly isn't.

Benwing2 (talk)22:26, 4 May 2016

I will not revert without consensus for the "Glyph origin" header.

CodeCat22:27, 4 May 2016

If you don't revert, how would anyone be able to target these specific headers for conversion to the newly agreed consensus?

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig23:16, 4 May 2016

That applies to me reverting too, doesn't it? If we establish "Glyph origin" as the practice for characters, all character entries that currently use "Etymology" would have to be changed, not just the Chinese entries that the bot edited.

CodeCat23:19, 4 May 2016

Before, some entries had ===Glyph origin=== and ===Etymology=== as separate headers. Now both are appearing as separate ===Etymology=== headers. Before, we could easily target just ===Glyph origin=== in order to change that to whatever we decide is appropriate. Now, instead, we have to do more complex heuristics to decide which ===Etymology=== header to change.

Please revert Mewbot's changes in this regard.

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig23:26, 4 May 2016

Ok, which entries do I need to revert?

CodeCat23:38, 4 May 2016

All of Mewbot's changes that turned ===Glyph origin=== into ===Etymology===.

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig23:39, 4 May 2016

And which are those?

CodeCat23:49, 4 May 2016

I think I got them all. I looked at MewBot's edits to pages in Category:Han script characters.

suzukaze (tc)00:03, 5 May 2016

Thank you.

CodeCat00:11, 5 May 2016