Italian templates

Italian templates

Hi there. If you ever have some spare time, could you modify the Italian noun, adjective and verb templates so that they produce the "The parameter whatever is not used by this template." error message if an unused parameter is used. Cheers.

SemperBlotto (talk)06:02, 6 July 2015

I've done it for {{it-noun}} and {{it-adj}}, but it will be much more difficult to do it for the conjugation templates because there are so many override parameters.

CodeCat12:39, 6 July 2015

You might consider adding the ability to specify regexes to match sets of params. That should make things like {{it-conj}} much easier, as well as Module:ar-headword. Actually, it already looks like you generate regexes (or Lua patterns, rather) from the specified named parameters ...

Benwing (talk)12:51, 7 July 2015

Semper, will you be fixing the errors soon? They've been there for a few days now.

CodeCat12:48, 8 July 2015