PIE root shapes

PIE root shapes

I was reading through cat:Proto-Indo-European irregular-shape roots and I noticed *wreyḱ-, *wreyt-, *mlewH-, and *mreǵʰ- are considered irregular. According to w:Proto-Indo-European root#Sonority hierarchy, these should be considered legal, and LIV certainly has many such roots. Should we change over to a classification system that distinguishes R and M?

JohnC502:23, 24 October 2016

I'd prefer a system that distinguishes them only in these particular cases, ml, mr, wl, wr. We currently already do this with s: *sed- is just considered CeC, but *speḱ- is sCeC.

CodeCat14:27, 24 October 2016

So, what would be your proposed change? mReC and wReC?

JohnC518:13, 24 October 2016

A capital M seems better, so we can group them all together.

CodeCat18:36, 24 October 2016

Sounds good to me! Could I entreat you to make this change?

JohnC518:38, 24 October 2016


CodeCat18:49, 24 October 2016

Thank you kindly!

JohnC519:02, 24 October 2016