
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

That's just bizarre. Where is it getting the t from??

What code are you writing to make the table? I can investigate it further then.

CodeCat17:07, 14 September 2016

Sorry, it's a typo, or rather proofreader-generated error. I wanted to write "boihin". I believe the "h" is generated by the lines following those which generate the "j".

Hekaheka (talk)18:09, 14 September 2016

To be more exact, it seems to be the line 202 through 214: if not stems["ill_pl"] and stems["pl"] then stems["ill_pl"] = {}

for _, stem in ipairs(stems["pl"]) do -- If the stem ends in a long vowel or diphthong, then add -h if mw.ustring.find(stem, "([aeiouyäö])%1$") or mw.ustring.find(stem, "[aeiouyäö][iyü]$") then require("Module:debug").track("fi-nominals/h") table.insert(stems["ill_pl"], stem .. "h") else table.insert(stems["ill_pl"], stem) end end end

Hekaheka (talk)04:30, 15 September 2016