Category:etyl cleanup/fi

Category:etyl cleanup/fi

How does an entry end up in this category? There's no hint of what's wrong with the listed etymologies. What do you want the editors to do with this category, or are you planning to fix all 3,000+ etymologies yourself?

Hekaheka (talk)15:58, 13 October 2017

See Category:etyl cleanup. {{etyl}} is deprecated.

Rua (mew)16:04, 13 October 2017

I see that the der/bor/inh/cog/noncog templates cannot replace {{etyl}} without content change because the replacement causes rewording. Shouldn’t there be a possibility to put something between the language name and the term? If there is a possibility, it is badly documented.

Palaestrator verborum (talk)19:33, 13 October 2017