Greek passive forms

Greek passive forms

Hi - ((Notifying Sarri.greek, Rossyxan): ) - I just reverted your recent edits to λύνομαι. Some Greek passive forms have different meanings to that which usually expected from the active form. Therefore they should properly (I think) be considered a lemma. At present all the passive forms remain categorised as lemmas. Sarri.greek and I had put off (some time ago) reviewing what we should do about passive forms which should probably be considered non-lemma.

Saltmarsh.04:54, 20 May 2019

The reason I did it was that there's a non-lemma definition on the page, and it's also formatted wrong. I'm ok with it being treated as a lemma, as long as the formatting can be fixed somehow...

Rua (mew)07:35, 20 May 2019