Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/August 14

Word of the day
for August 14
minnow n
  1. Any small fish.
    1. The common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), a small freshwater fish of the carp family Cyprinidae which has a green back with black elongated blotches, commonly swimming in large shoals.
    2. Chiefly with a qualifying word: any of a number of other (small) fish from the family Cyprinidae; also (chiefly US), other small (usually freshwater) fish from other families.
    3. (Australia, New Zealand) Synonym of galaxiid (any member of the family Galaxiidae of mostly small freshwater fish of the Southern Hemisphere); specifically, the common galaxias, inanga, or jollytail (Galaxias maculatus).
    4. (British, regional) Synonym of stickleback (family Gasterosteidae).
  2. (figuratively) A person or thing of relatively little consequence, importance, or value.
  3. (fishing) An artificial bait in the form of a small fish.

minnow adj

  1. (rare) Very small; tiny.

minnow v (intransitive, fishing)

  1. To fish for minnows (noun sense 1 and subsenses).
  2. To fish, especially for trout, using minnows as bait.
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