albus an ater sit


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From albus (white) + an (whether) + āter (black) + sit (he may be) the present subjunctive third person singular of sum (I am). Literally meaning "he may be white or black". Compare homō nūllīus colōris (a man of no color).

Originally from the longer:

Albus an ater sit, nescio.
I don't know whether he is white or black.


Albus an ater sit, non curo.
I care not whether he is white or black.





albus an āter sit

  1. he is entirely indifferent to me
Vide, quam te amārit is, qui albus aterve fueris ignorans, fratris filium praeteriit.
See how much he loved you, who, not knowing whether you were black or white, passed over his brother's son.
Unde illa scivit, ater an albus nascerer.
How did she know whether I would be born black or white?