Catalan edit

A capgròs in a festival in Manresa.
flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus.

Etymology edit

From cap (head) +‎ gros (large).

Pronunciation edit

Adjective edit

capgròs (feminine capgrossa, masculine plural capgrossos, feminine plural capgrosses)

  1. having a large head
    Synonym: cabut
    Coordinate term: culgròs

Noun edit

capgròs m (plural capgrossos)

  1. (folklore) participant at a local festival who parades wearing a large papier maché head, giving the impression of having a very short body
    Synonym: nan
    Coordinate term: gegant
  2. tadpole
    Synonym: cullerot
  3. (zoology) flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus
    Synonym: llíssera llobarrera

Further reading edit