
A strawberry ICEE



The name, as well as the original logo, was developed by Ruth E. Taylor, a local artist and friend of the drink’s inventor, Omar Knedlik, from ice +‎ -ee (compare Slurpee, which originated after a licensing deal with The Icee Company).



icee (plural icees)

  1. (trademark) Nonstandard form of ICEEIcee (a frozen carbonated beverage available in fruit and soda flavors, produced by The Icee Company).
    • 1966 November 17, The Belle Glade Herald, volume 26, number 15, Belle Glade, Fla., page 14:
      Happiness Is— [] Drinking an icee after school.
    • 1981, “Student Life”, in Ann Katzenstein, Carmen Thomas, editors, Vincentian, Shreveport, La.: Saint Vincent’s Academy, page 138:
      [photo caption] Have you had your icee today?
    • 1986 February 15, Linda Deckard, “Szabo expanding food offerings at Anaheim Stadium”, in Tom Powell, editor, Amusement Business: The International Mass Entertainment Newsweekly, New York, N.Y.: Billboard Publications, Inc., →ISSN, page 15:
      The Sweet Shop cost $10,000 to build, half of which is in the ice cream and icee machines.
    • 1987 April 10, Matt Frazier, “Triathlon pushes competitors”, in Almagest, volume 22, number 33, Shreveport, La.: Louisiana State University in Shreveport, page 5, column 2:
      Aching lungs begged for a reprieve and as the contestants passed the front entrance perhaps they could hear the soft, seductive call of the icee machine from the 7-11 across the street.
    • 1991, “Slurp, Slurp, Slurp”, in Gretchen Auer, Tracy Gordon, editors, Gusher, volume 77, Shreveport, La.: C. E. Byrd High School, page 88, column 1:
      Slish, slush, slurp went the sound of sophomores slurping up their icees. When asked sophomores said icees were the only thing they could just not say no to. “I have gym sixth hour and an icee is the only thing to look forward to when you are hot and sweaty, ” said sophomore Lane Dossett. [] “Mixed icees are my favorite because I can never choose just one,” said sophomore Mindy McCormack.
    • 1994, Myrna Marler, “Encounter”, in Greg A. Berryman, editor, Kula Manu, Laie, Haw.: Brigham Young University–Hawaii, page 39:
      She stood indecisively in front of the drugstore, wanting a Coke icee. The heated aroma of warn donuts floated by on the damp air from the bakery next door, where they also had an icee machine, leaking crystal tendrils of cold condensation down its refrigerated front.
    • 2003, Mindy Thompson Fullilove, Gina Arias, Moises Nunez, Ericka Phillips, Peter McFarlane, Rodrick Wallace, Robert E. Fullilove III, “What Did Ian Tell God?: School Violence in East New York”, in Mark H. Moore, Carol V. Petrie, Anthony A. Braga, Brenda L. McLaughlin, editors, Deadly Lessons: Understanding Lethal School Violence: Case Studies of School Violence Committee, Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, →ISBN, part I (Case Studies of Lethal School Violence), page 228:
      As one example, Jason described, at approximately age 5, seeing an even littler boy stab his older brother with a broken bottle because he would not share his icee. Jason exclaimed, “Over an icee!” the chill of the moment still with him, nearly 20 years later.
    • 2004 May, Kimberley White, chapter 6, in Forever After, Washington, D.C.: Arabesque/BET Books, →ISBN, pages 62–65:
      He used a broad finger to trace a circle on the condensation of Jova’s lemon icee cup. [] You wouldn’t even let me buy your lemon icee. [] Jova looked over at him, but he continued to watch the boats, sipping on his icee. [] Not able to think of a snappy comeback, Jova turned toward the water and drank several gulps of her lemon icee.
    • 2005, David Rivera, Jr., “In the Beginning”, in Harlem’s Dragon: The Love You Can’t Fight, New York, N.Y.: Strebor Books, published 2006 February, →ISBN, page 8:
      Any kid with a quarter or more went to the little Spanish man who sold icees from a push cart and served them in Dixie cups. You could get coconut, cherry, mango, or rainbow flavors. Spanish people in the neighborhood called them coquitos because back in the day, they only came in coconut flavor. Nobody gave a shit about that. Now they’re icees. Chemah was walking with his icee extended in front of him, so not to mess up his school clothes, when he was pushed from behind and fell to the floor. He let go of the icee a split second before hitting the concrete so that he could use both hands to keep from losing his fronts.
    • 2005, “Faculty and Staff”, in Milestones, Nashville, Tenn.: Harpeth Hall School, page 148:
      Ms. Johnson takes a break from the cart to check on the icee machines, which have recently been taken away.
    • 2008, E. Lockhart [pseudonym; Emily Jenkins], Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, “Jesse”, in How to Be Bad, New York, N.Y.: HarperTeen, →ISBN, pages 99–100:
      R.D. was gonna bring his drink cart so we could all have icees.
    • 2011, Elizabeth Mahlou, “Metanoia”, in A Believer-in-Waiting’s First Encounters with God, Hollister, Calif.: MSI Press, →ISBN, pages 38–39:
      I picked up a hot dog because I had not had a chance to eat earlier that day. I added to that order an icee. That was my nourishment for the day. [] I had been hungry enough to gulp down the icee and finish the hot dog in three bites.
    • 2016 February 3, Chad Gorham, “Winterfest brings cool fun & games”, in NECC Observer, volume 80, number 2, Harverhill, Mass.; Lawrence, Mass.: Northern Essex Community College, page 7, column 5:
      They will also have Rock Candy that looks like ice, a hot chocolate bar and an icee machine with many different flavors.