



inner chimp (plural inner chimps)

  1. (slang, derogatory, psychology) The emotional part of the human brain that can cause a person to act impulsively and without regard for consequences.
    • 1997, The New Yorker[1], volume 73, numbers 30-36, page 30:
      again what we were a very long time ago-to rediscover our inner chimp-and that's not so demanding, really.
    • 2003 May 18, Todd Klondike, “stormhole on the job!”, in alt.mothersuperior[2] (Usenet):
      It appears the bonobo barcus' "inner chimp" is ooking and eeking in an attempt to deflect his allegation by thumping his chest and making demands where no demands need be met. You, bacus, have no cause to demand or request anything. You made an allegation, the onus of proof rests with you.
    • 2015, Cees Jan Hamelink, Media and Conflict, Escalating Evil, page 145:
      However, the new insights do not discharge us from the responsibility to-in the spirit of temporality-realize more bonobo moments and tame our inner chimps!
    • 2016, Mark Chapman, The Love of the Game, Parenthood, Sport and Me:
      The Inner Chimp is the part of the brain, so the theory goes, that sometimes we can't control. It can be impulsive, emotional or neurotic. The successful athletes are the ones who can control their Inner Chimp at crucial moments.
    • 2018 February 28, Jesse, “Montana man 'beat a woman to death with a FRYING PAN and seriously injured two others”, in alt.france[3] (Usenet):
      People think of Montana as nigger free, unfortunately it has become infected. Not known what set lose its inner chimp, probably something related to food, tennis shows or cell phones. Probably imported by Oboingo, looks alot[sic] like him.
    • 2019, Lee Morgan, Standing and Not Falling, A Sorcerous Primer in Thirteen Moons:
      The black, usually there to protect us in times of necessary fight or flight which requires the strongest to step forward, misfiring against its own community is the source of the inner chimp.
    • 2020, Dave Holloway, Wonder Leads, Remarkable Lead Generation for Positive Small Businesses:
      Our inner chimp is quick-minded, rash and lacking in even the most basic forms of judgement: it tells you to stay away from danger, and run at the first sign of trouble.
    • 2022, Nick Hatter, The 7 Questions, The Ultimate Toolkit to Boost Self-Esteem, Unlock Your Potential and Transform Your Life:
      In his book, The Chimp Paradox, the psychiatrist Steve Peters explains that we have an 'inner chimp' (which some psychotherapists call an 'inner child') that hijacks us when we feel strong emotions.