

Alternative forms




Etymology 1


From Middle English regard, regarde, reguard, from Anglo-Norman reguard, from regarder, reguarder. Attested in Middle English starting around the mid 14th century. Piecewise doublet of reward; compare also guard, ward, guardian, and so on.



regard (countable and uncountable, plural regards)

  1. (countable) A steady look, a gaze. [from 15th c.]
    • 1982, Lawrence Durrell, Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 750:
      He bathed in the memory of her blondness, of her warm blue regard, and the sentiment permeated his sensibility with tenderness made the more rich because its object was someone long since dead.
  2. One's concern for another; esteem; relation, reference. [from 16th c.]
  3. (preceded by “in” or “with”) A particular aspect or detail; respect, sense. [from 16th c.]
    • 1842, Treuttel and Würtz, The Foreign Quarterly Review, page 144:
      This attempt will be made with every regard to the difficulty of the undertaking []
    • 1903, Kentucky Mines, Minerals Dept, Annual Report, page 186:
      We are spending a lot of money trying to put this mine in shape; we are anxious to comply with the wishes of your office in every regard []
    • 1989, Leonard W. Poon, David C. Rubin, Barbara A. Wilson, Everyday Cognition in Adulthood and Late Life, Cambridge University Press, page 399:
      These problems were not traditional problems with realistic stimuli, but rather were realistic in every regard.
  4. (uncountable) The worth or estimation in which something or someone is held.
    • 1599 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Life of Henry the Fift”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene iv], page 77, column 1:
      Dolph. For the Dolphin,
      I stand here for him: what to him from England?
      Exe. Scorne and defiance, sleight regard, contempt,
      And any thing that may not mis-become
      The mightie Sender, doth he prize you at.
    Synonyms: esteem, repute
    He is held in great regard in Whitehall.
  • (antonym(s) of concern for another): neglect
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From Middle English regarden, from Old French regarder, reguarder. First attested in late Middle English, circa the early 15th century.



regard (third-person singular simple present regards, present participle regarding, simple past and past participle regarded)

  1. (transitive) To look at; to observe. [from 16th c.]
    She regarded us warily.
    • 1905, Lord Dunsany [i.e., Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany], The Gods of Pegāna, London: [Charles] Elkin Mathews, [], →OCLC:
      And They made the Moon, with his face wrinkled with many mountains and worn with a thousand valleys, to regard with pale eyes the games of the small gods, and to watch throughout the resting time of Māna-Yood-Sushāī; to watch, to regard all things, and be silent.
  2. (transitive) To consider, look upon (something) in a given way etc. [from 16th c.]
    I always regarded tabloid journalism as a social evil.
    He regards honesty as a duty.
    I regard such a way of life with distaste.
    • 1598–1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, “Much Adoe about Nothing”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, (please specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, and the scene number in lowercase Roman numerals):
      , [Act V, scene iv]:
      Signior Leonato, truth it is good Signior, / Your neece regards me with an eye of fauour.
    • 1857, Thomas Babington Macaulay, “Oliver Goldsmith”, in Biographical and Historical Sketches, New York: D. Appleton and Company, page 49:
      His associates seem to have regarded him with kindness, which, in spite of their admiration of his writings, was not unmixed with contempt.
    • 2012 May 5, Phil McNulty, “Chelsea 2-1 Liverpool”, in BBC Sport[1]:
      For Liverpool, their season will now be regarded as a relative disappointment after failure to add the FA Cup to the Carling Cup and not mounting a challenge to reach the Champions League places.
  3. (transitive, archaic) To take notice of, pay attention to. [from 16th c.]
    • c. 1606 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Macbeth”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene iv], page 142, column 1:
      If much you note him / You ſhall offend him, and extend his Paſſion, / Feed, and regard him not.
    • 1870, Mary Russell Mitford, Our Village: Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery:
      I should not, however, so much mind if this folly [of giving children poetic names] were comprised in that domain of cold gentility, to which affectation usually confines itself. One does not regard seeing Miss Arabella seated at the piano, or her little sister Leonora tottling across the carpet to show her new pink shoes. That is in the usual course of events.
  4. (transitive) To face toward.
    • 1615, George Sandys, A Relation of a Iourney begun An. Dom. 1610, London: Andrew Crooke, published 1637, page 16:
      Seated on a peninſula which regardeth the maine land ; ſtrong by nature, and fortified by Art : adorned heretofore with magnificent buildings ; and numbered amongſt the paradiſes of the earth, for temperate aire, and delightfull ſituation.
    • 1654 June 9, John Evelyn, edited by William Bray, Memoirs, new edition, London: Henry Colburn, published 1827, pages 70–1:
      We pass’d by [] that exceedingly beautifull scate of my Lord Pembroke, on ye ascent of an hill, flank’d with wood, and reguarding the river ; and so at night to Cadenham, ye mansion of Ed. Hungerford, Esq.
  5. (transitive) To have to do with, to concern. [from 17th c.]
    That argument does not regard the question.
    • 1821, edited by Curson Hansard, The parliamentary debates, Volume 3, page 809:
      My lords, the question thus proposed by your lordships to the Judges must be admitted by all persons to be a question of great importance, as it regards the administration of justice.
  6. (transitive, obsolete) To set store by (something), to hold (someone) in esteem; to consider to have value, to respect. [from 16th c.]
Derived terms







Inherited from Middle French regard, from Old French regard, from reguarder.





regard m (plural regards)

  1. look, glance
    un regard en coina side glance
  2. (uncountable) sight, gaze, eyes
    Ne t’éloigne pas de mon regard.
    Don't go far out of my sight.
    • 1885, Loreau, Heriette (trans.), L’Ami commun (Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens), Part IV, chapter 10:
      [S]on regard s’arrêta fixe et morne, sans plus rien exprimer.
      His eyes stood still, and settled into that former intent unmeaning stare.
  3. manhole

Derived terms



  • Turkish: rögar

Further reading




Old French


Alternative forms




regard oblique singularm (oblique plural regarz or regartz, nominative singular regarz or regartz, nominative plural regard)

  1. look; observance; watching (act, instance of looking at)
    • 1377, Guillaume de Machaut, La Louange des dames :
      Quant ses resgars me vint enamourer, / J'estoie liez, gais, et jolis et baus.
      Oh, how much her glances made me fall in love! I was delighted, happy, joyful and overjoyed.



