Italian edit

Etymology edit

From ri- +‎ peggiorare.

Verb edit

ripeggioràre (first-person singular present ripeggióro, first-person singular past historic ripeggiorài, past participle ripeggioràto, auxiliary (transitive, optionally also intransitively with a person as the subject) avére or (intransitively) èssere)

  1. (transitive) to worsen again, to make worse again (after having previously gotten better)
  2. (intransitive) to worsen again, to become worse again (after having previously gotten better) [auxiliary essere or (optionally if the subject is a person) avere]

Usage notes edit

  • Colloquial Tuscan says io ripèggioro, tu ripèggiori in place of standard io ripeggióro, tu ripeggióri.

Conjugation edit