Karelian edit

Regional variants of ruočči
North Karelian
South Karelian

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *roocci. Cognates include Finnish ruotsi and Estonian roots.

The original sense was restricted to Germanic people, but over time the focus shifted from ethnicity to religion, at which point the word started being used to also describe the Lutheran Finns.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /ˈruo̯t͡ʃːi/
  • Hyphenation: ruoč‧či

Noun edit

ruočči (genitive ruočin, partitive ruoččie)

  1. Swedish language
  2. (rare) Synonym of ruoččilaini/ruoččilaine (Swede)
  3. (South Karelian) Short for ruoččiheinä (thistle).
  4. (dated, often derogatory) Synonym of šuomi (Finnish)
  5. (ethnic slur, often derogatory) Synonym of šuomelaini/šuomelaine (Finn)

Declension edit

Viena Karelian declension of ruočči (type 3/ovi, čč-č gradation)
singular plural
nominative ruočči ruočet
genitive ruočen ruoččien
partitive ruoččie ruoččija
illative ruoččih ruoččiloih
inessive ruočešša ruoččiloissa
elative ruočešta ruoččiloista
adessive ruočella ruoččiloilla
ablative ruočelta ruoččiloilta
translative ruočekši ruoččiloiksi
essive ruoččina ruoččiloina
comitative ruoččiloineh
abessive ruočetta ruoččiloitta
Tver Karelian declension of ruočči (type 3/ovi, čč-č gradation)
singular plural
nominative ruočči ruočet
genitive ruočen ruoččiloin
partitive ruoččie ruoččiloida
illative ruoččih ruoččiloih
inessive ruočešša ruoččiloissa
elative ruočešta ruoččiloista
adessive ruočella ruoččiloilla
ablative ruočelda ruoččiloilda
translative ruočekši ruoččiloiksi
essive ruoččina ruoččiloina
comitative ruočenke ruoččiloinke
abessive ruočetta ruoččiloitta
Possessive forms of ruočči
1st person ruoččeni
2nd person ruoččeš
3rd person ruoččeh
*) Possessive forms are very rare for adjectives and only used in substantivised clauses.

Derived terms edit

References edit

  • A. V. Punzhina (1994) “ruočči”, in Словарь карельского языка (тверские говоры) [Dictionary of the Karelian language (Tver dialects)], →ISBN
  • Pertti Virtaranta, Raija Koponen (2009) “ruottši”, in Marja Torikka, editor, Karjalan kielen sanakirja[1], Helsinki: Kotus, →ISSN
  • P. M. Zaykov et al. (2015) Venäjä-Viena Šanakirja [Russian-Viena Karelian Dictionary], →ISBN

Livvi edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *roocci, from Old East Norse (see the Proto-Finnic entry for more).

Noun edit


  1. the Swedish language
  2. (ethnic slur, often derogatory) Synonym of suomelaine (Finn)
  3. (outdated, often derogatory) Synonym of suomi (Finnish)

Synonyms edit