See also: skaidrībā





From skaidrs (clear) +‎ -ība.


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skaidrība f (4th declension)

  1. clearness (the quality of that which is clear, clean, transparent)
    rudeņos ūdens skaidrība ļauj redzēt 6 metru dziļumāthe clearness of autumn water allows one to see up to a depth of 6 meters
    Arvīds Salums saprata, ka nekad nenodzīvos savu dzīvi ar to jūnija vai februāra saulainās dienas dzidro skaidrību, ar kādu savu mūžu nodzīvoja Anna un Andžs GriķiArvīds Salums understood that he would never live his life with that clearness of a sunny day in June or February, with which Anna and Andžs Griķi lived their lives
  2. clarity (the quality of that which is clear, easy to understand or perceive, without impediments or errors)
    izrunas skaidrībapronunciation clarity
    domas, formas skaidrībaclarity of thought, of form
    izklāsta skaidrībathe clarity of the summary
    uzdevuma skaidrībathe clarity of the task
    skaņdarba skaidrībathe clarity of a musical piece
    ienest, ievest skaidrībuto bring clarity (= to explain)
    tikt pie skaidrībasto get clarity, to be clear (about something)
    skaidrības labad apvaicātiesto inquire for the sake of clarity (i.e., so that there is no confusion, no misunderstanding)
    tā Brīviņos nebija skaidrības, vai tas pļēgura meistars ko daraso in Brīviņi there was no clarity (= it wasn't clear) what that master drunkard was doing
    skaidrība un vienkāršība lugai būtu nākusi tikai par labu(more) clarity and simplicity would have come in handy for (this) play
  3. (of people) clarity (of spirit), simplicity, honesty, purity, virtue
    bērna skaidrība un dabiskumsa child's simplicity and naturalness
    dvēseles skaidrībapurity of soul
    visaugstāk tauta vērtē jaunietes godu un tikumu, skaidrību un čaklumuabove all, the people value a young woman's honor and virtue, purity (= lack of deceit) and diligence
    dzīves pamati balstās godīgumā, patiesīgumā, sirds skaidrībāthe fundaments of life are based on honesty, truthfulness, (and) clarity (= purity) of heart
  4. (of sounds) clarity, clearness, sonorousness
    balss skaidrībathe clarity, clearness, sonorousness of a voice



