See also: wheel horse




Horse-drawn carriages at the annual convention of the American Seed Trade Association, Rochester, New York, USA, June 11–13, 1901.[1] A wheelhorse (sense 1) is the horse nearest to the wheels of a carriage.

From wheel +‎ horse. Sense 2 (“person who labors heavily for a cause”) is from the fact that a horse nearest to the wheels of a carriage that it is drawing does much of the pulling work.





wheelhorse (plural wheelhorses)

  1. (US, dated) One of a team of horses which is nearest to the wheels of a carriage, as opposed to a leader or forward horse.
    • 1750 October, “A Description, with the Form, of the Four Wheel Carriage, which was Drawn at Newmarket, 19 Miles in 54 Minutes. [] Invented by Mr J. Wright in Long Acre.”, in Sylvanus Urban [pseudonym; Edward Cave], editor, The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, volume XX, London: Printed by Edw[ard] Cave, at St John's Gate, published January 1755, →OCLC, page 440:
      The off wheel-horſe a grey, named Single Peeper, ſold for 50 [guineas] [] The near wheel-horſe cheſnut, named Chance.
    • 1869 September, E. P. Willard, “A Night and a Day on the Sierra Nevada”, in The Western Monthly, volume II, number 9, Chicago, Ill.: Reed, Browne & Co., publishers, No. 18 Tribune Building, →OCLC, page 179, column 2:
      The driver [] neither knew any thing, said any thing, or did any thing but watch a dozen equine ears, and keep six reins taut in his hands, and coax the off wheel[-]horse with the belly of his whip-lash every two minutes, invariably accompanying the stroke with a tremendous solitary cluck.
    • 1886, Maxwell Gray [pseudonym; Mary Gleed Tuttiett], chapter I, in The Silence of Dean Maitland: A Novel, London: Kegan Paul & Co., →OCLC; republished New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton and Company, 1888, →OCLC, part I, page 12:
      “Ay! he med well say that,” repeated the wagoner, still digesting the pleasure of Ben Lee’s compliment, and slapping the wheel[-]horse’s vast flank, so that the fairy chime began again, and the smack resounded like an accompaniment to its music.
    • 1914 April, W[illard] W[ebster] Eggleston, “A Trip to Stanislaus Forest, California. (Abstract.)”, in Bulletin, number 9, Burlington, Vt.: Published annually by the [Vermont Botanical] Club; Free Press Printing Company, →OCLC, page 23:
      In contrast to the methods used in New England all the lumber from the high Sierras is taken out in the summer instead of the winter. Teams of about seven pairs of horses, or mules, or traction engines, are used. Teams draw two or three wagons, and are managed by one driver who rides on a wheelhorse and guides with one rein, whip and voice.
    • 1916, War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, “The Driver”, in Provisional Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery (Horse and Light) 1916 (War Department Document; no. 538), Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC, part III (Mounted Instruction), section IV (Mounted Instruction), paragraph 437, page 181:
      The cannoneer posted nearest the left wheel of the limber engages the end of the pole of his carriage in the pole ring of the neck yoke and then hitches the near wheel horse; the cannoneer posted nearest the right wheel of the limber hitches the off wheel horse.
  2. (US, figuratively) A person who labors heavily for a particular cause, without being concerned about recognition.
  3. (obsolete or historical) A foot-propelled vehicle; a bicycle.
    • 1869, Velox [pseudonym], “The Velocipede of the Past”, in Velocipedes, Bicycles, and Tricycles: How to Make and How to Use Them. With a Sketch of their History, Invention, and Progress, London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416, Broome Street, →OCLC, pages 39–40:
      In 1830 a bold and vigorous attempt was made to utilize the wheel-horse. A French post-office official, M. Dreuze by name, brought forward an improvement on the old two-wheel velocipede, which bid fair to be successful. [] A number of the country letter-carriers were mounted on the wheel-horse, and whilst the roads continued dry and hard M. Dreuze could congratulate himself on the success of his invention; but with wet weather came bad roads, and to the wet succeeded frost and snow. A little extra labour was all that was required to overcome the extra friction of the bad roads, but the wheels refused to progress on the slippy frozen surface.
    • 1869, Velox [pseudonym], “The Art of Velocipede Management”, in Velocipedes, Bicycles, and Tricycles: How to Make and How to Use Them. With a Sketch of their History, Invention, and Progress, London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416, Broome Street, →OCLC, page 77; reprinted in “Velocipedes. The Velocipede of the Day.”, in Edmund Routledge, editor, Routledge’s Every Boys Annual: An Entertaining Miscellany of Original Literature, London: George Routledge and Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate; New York, 416, Broome Street, 1870, →OCLC, page 414:
      As in most other accomplishments, practice alone can make a skilful rider of velocipedes. The tyro can, however, profit by the experience of others, and I give a few rules for his guidance, as well as directions for his practice. The first point is to gain confidence in, and familiarity with, his wheel horse.

Alternative forms



  • (horse nearest to the wheels of a carriage): wheeler



See also



  1. ^ From The American Florist: A Weekly Journal for the Trade, volume XVI, number 681, Chicago, Ill.: American Florist Company, 1901 June 22, →OCLC, page facing page 1668.

