Turkish words in the OED


The following have some sort of Turkish etymology. The format is nasty - simple copy/paste. But if you edit this page then you can see the individual words better. SemperBlotto 17:27, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

Reformatted for readability (though it's a bit long now; subpage?). Equinox 16:12, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
  • alcalde same word as a Turkish title is englished cadi. So
  • aoul [Eastern Turkish aul.]
  • argileh, n. ghile n.). Cf. Turkish nargile. In quot. perh
  • avania abic, Persian, Turkish: see Devic, in Littre's Sup
  • average, n.the Arabic or Turkish avania, avaria, is of great
  • baklava [ Turkish.]
  • baksheesh, bakhshish, n. sed in Arabic, Turkish, and Urdu.]
  • bashalic(k [a. Turkish bashalik, pashalik jurisdic
  • bashaw [a. Turkish basha, variant of pasha, pr
  • batman [ Turkish (Chaghatai) batman, (Osmanl
  • bazaar, bazar Hindustani and Turkish, and seems to have come int
  • begum m, ad. Eastern Turkish bigim princess, fem. of big
  • benish [ Turkish binis (properly = riding-ha
  • bergamot perversion of Turkish beg-armudi 'prince's pear,
  • boomerang, n. ing slightly a Turkish scimitar') is in the Sydney
  • bouzouki mpouzouki; cf. Turkish bozuk.]
  • boza, bosa [ Turkish boza 'a kind of thick white
  • brank, n. lit. 'heathen, Turkish'. There is a certain simila
  • bridge, n.an unrecorded Turkish form *bir-uc 'one-three' (s
  • caftan [ Turkish qaftan, also used in Pers.
  • caïque r. caique, ad. Turkish kaik.]
  • caracal F. caracal, a. Turkish qarah-qulaq, f. qarah black
  • caramoussal, carmousal caramussale, a Turkish merchantman (Baretti), Sp.
  • carpet, n. te rug, small ( Turkish) carpet is app. from Eng.).
  • caviare, caviar igin, found in Turkish as khavyar; in Italian in
  • chagan agano, ad. Old Turkish khaqan king, sovereign; see
  • chagrin, n. in (Diez); ad. Turkish caghri, caghri, saghri, rum
  • chebec, -ck bbak, shobbak, Turkish sunbeki (Meninski, ). U
  • chiaus adaptation of Turkish chaush (in Pers. chawush) m
  • chibouk, chibouque [a. Turkish chibuk, lit. small stick, a
  • chouse, n. about ), a Turkish official messenger; but the
  • coffee, n. ab. qahwah, in Turkish pronounced kahveh, the name
  • comitadji lkan form, ad. Turkish komitaci, f. komita, f. F.
  • coolie, n. elated Ottoman Turkish qul slave (Turkish kul). In
  • cully, n. sy chulai man, Turkish Gypsy khulai gentleman.]
  • darbuka, n. ombak. Compare Turkish darbuka.]
  • dervish wesh, darwish, Turkish dervish, the latter being t
  • dey [a. F. dey, Turkish dai 'maternal uncle'. Also
  • divan wan, diwan; in Turkish divan, whence in many Europ
  • dizdar, disdar [Pers. and Turkish dizdar, f. Pers. diz castle
  • dolma [ Turkish, f. dolmak to fill, be fill
  • dolman [orig. a. Turkish dolaman or dolamah, whence
  • dolmus, dolmush [ Turkish dolmus a vehicle or boat wh
  • doner kebab [a. Turkish doner kebap, f. doner ppl.
  • drabant n doroban, ad. Turkish (orig. Pers.) darban porter
  • dunam [mod.Heb., f. Turkish donum.]
  • effendi [ Turkish efendi, a corruption of Gr.
  • Ghuzz, n. and a. zz (also guz) Turkish Oguz Oghuz n.]
  • gulet, n. [ Turkish gulet, sailing warship, sch
  • heyduck = chaidoutes, Turkish haidud robber, brigand.]
  • hyleg In Pers. (and Turkish) hailaj, 'a calculation of
  • ichoglan [obs. Turkish ich oglan, f. ich interior
  • Iftar, n. [ Ottoman Turkish iftar Arabic iftar to brea
  • ijtihad, n. d n.). Compare Turkish ictihad, Persian ejtehad.]
  • ikbal [ Turkish.]
  • Iliat [ Turkish ilat, pl. of il country, wa
  • irade [ Turkish, a. Ar. iradah will, desire
  • jackal, n. [Corruption of Turkish chakal, ad. Pers. shagal, o
  • janizary, janissary Ultimately ad. Turkish yeni-tsheri, f. yeni new, m
  • jelick [ Turkish yelek waistcoat.]
  • kaimakam [ Turkish qaimaqam, ad. Arab. qa'im m
  • kaza [ Turkish kaza, related to kadi cadi.
  • Kemalism(c-), Turkish soldier and statesman + -is
  • kharaj, kharatch ypt kharag, in Turkish kharatch tribute.]
  • kurus [ Turkish kurus.]
  • kuvasz Hungarian, fr. Turkish kavas guard.]
  • lavash, n. artly Ottoman Turkish lavas (modern Turkish lavas
  • lilac Sp. or Arab.), Turkish leilaq (whence possibly the
  • liman e Dnieper (cf. Turkish liman harbour, mod.Gr. lima
  • macramé�, n. [ Turkish mikrama, colloquial makrama
  • madrasah, n.variously via Turkish medrese (compare English fo
  • mahone, n. similar date) Turkish mavuna, mavna, of uncertain
  • majlis, n. ersian majles, Turkish meclis (c = /dZ/), and thei
  • majoun, n. tuary, majoun ( Turkish macun (c = /dZ/)), passive
  • Mamamouchi, n. , an imaginary Turkish title (invented by Moliere
  • Mameluke, n. he Arabic. The Turkish pronunciation is /mEmlu:k/,
  • Mamur, n. r n.). Compare Turkish memur charged with (as past
  • mancala, n. game', Ottoman Turkish manqala 'a board with two r
  • mandarah, n.view. Compare Turkish manzara view, panorama.]
  • mandil, n. chief, turban, Turkish mendil handkerchief) Byzan
  • mangal, n. [ Ottoman Turkish mangal brazier, chafing-dis
  • manghir, n. ly its etymon Turkish mangir a copper (rarely bra
  • manzil, n. ersian manzil, Turkish menzil halting place, day's
  • maral, n. eer, ibex, and Turkish maral, meral doe.]
  • March, n.Greek martio; Turkish mart; Basque martxo.In anci
  • marquisotte, v.cut after the Turkish fashion, all being shauen a
  • martagon, n. ), and Ottoman Turkish martagan, glossed by J. W.
  • masjid, n. urkey (compare Turkish cami) and the former Ottoma
  • mazut, n. an Azerbaijani Turkish derivative ultimately of Ar
  • Mechitarist, n. and adj. k (-), Turkish-born Armenian priest, who f
  • medjidie, n. etymon Ottoman Turkish mejidiye (Turkish mecidiye)
  • medjidite, n. ecid in modern Turkish orthography), Ottoman Sulta
  • meerschaum, n. ly translating Turkish deniz kopugu meerschaum, or
  • meltemi, n. nd the related Turkish meltem offshore breeze, of
  • mespil, n. or via Ottoman Turkish (compare Turkish musmula),
  • metalik, n. [ Ottoman Turkish metalik (later metelik; com
  • Mevlevi, n. [ Turkish Mevlevi Arabic mawlawi, us
  • meze, n. mezede) snack, Turkish meze snack, appetizer, and
  • miaow, int.Russian mjau, Turkish miyav, Finnish miau, Chines
  • millet, n. x.With black, Turkish, Indian, African, Caffre mi
  • millet, n. [ Turkish millet nation, group of co-
  • minaret, n. [ Ottoman Turkish menare, Turkish minare (or
  • Mir, n. pare Urdu mir, Turkish mir (both Persian). Compar
  • mistico, n. stiko, Ottoman Turkish mistiqo (; Turkish mist
  • mithqal, n. ian, Urdu, and Turkish, and (in the g forms) direc
  • Moors, n. (and adj.)and Turks for Turkish.]
  • morcha, n. pare Chaghatay Turkish boljar place where troops a
  • motherland, n. arty n., after Turkish Anavatan Partisi]
  • moussaka, n. [ Ottoman Turkish musaqa, Turkish musakka, ul
  • mudir, n. [ Ottoman Turkish mudir (Turkish mudur) direc
  • Mudjur, n. [ Mudjur ( Turkish Mucur), the name (as former
  • muezzin, n. abic); compare Turkish muezzin, Persian and Urdu m
  • mukhtar, n. partly via Turkish muhtar.Forms in sense wi
  • mullah, n. nd Urdu mulla, Turkish molla, and their etymon Ara
  • muse, n. bly partly via Turkish muz. Compare Italian musa (
  • musellim, n. [ colloquial Turkish musellim shortened Turkish
  • mussalchee, n. agent suffix ( Turkish -ci, -ci).]
  • Mussulman, n. and adj. ly via Ottoman Turkish musluman (also colloquial O
  • Mussulmanlik, n. oquial Ottoman Turkish musulmanlik (Turkish muslum
  • mutasarrif, n. [ Ottoman Turkish, Turkish mutasarrif governo
  • mute, adj. and n. , servant of a Turkish sultan () Anglo-Norman
  • nagara, n. , for example, Turkish nakkare, Armenian naghara,
  • namaz, n. [Partly Turkish namaz, partly Urdu namaz,
  • narghile, n. [Partly Turkish nargile, partly Persian na
  • nazir, n.sense compare Turkish nazir superintendent, also
  • Nesite, n. lled in modern Turkish Kultepe, lit. 'hill of ashe
  • ney, n. [ Turkish ney reed, flute and its ety
  • Nizam, n. [ Ottoman Turkish nizam (Turkish nizam), shor
  • oda, n. [ Turkish oda room, chamber, (also) j
  • odalisque, n. and adj.same source) Turkish odalik ( oda oda n. + -lik,
  • Oghuz, n. and adj. [ Turkish Oguz, the name (attested fr
  • Oghuzian, adj. and n. [ Turkish Oguz Oghuz n. + -ian suffix
  • oke, n.ocque () Turkish okka, of uncertain origin.
  • ongon, n. ggun). Compare Turkish ongun totem, Russian ongon
  • Osmanli, n. and adj. [ Ottoman Turkish Osmanli (Turkish Osmanli) o
  • Othman, adj. and n. founder of the Turkish dynasty and empire (see Osm
  • padishah, n. artly Ottoman Turkish padisah, modern Turkish pad
  • palank, n. a market town, Turkish palanca stockade, Hungarian
  • pandermite, n. e of Panderma ( Turkish Bandirma), a town in northe
  • pandour, n. ur and Ottoman Turkish pandur, pandor rural watchm
  • papoosh, n. and its etymon Turkish pabuc shoe, slipper early
  • paprika, adj. and n.as Torok-bors Turkish pepper. The name paprika fi
  • para, n. [ Ottoman Turkish para (Turkish para) small c
  • paranja, n. veil) Ottoman Turkish feraje (Turkish ferace) fer
  • pasha, n. [ Ottoman Turkish pasa (modern Turkish pasa)
  • pashalik, n. and adj. [ Turkish pasalik rank of pasha, terr
  • pastrami, n. rama) Ottoman Turkish basdirma, lit. 'something p
  • peri, n. e, but compare Turkish peri.]
  • peshkash, n. m peshkesh via Turkish peskes.]
  • Phanar, n. use, lantern' ( Turkish fener) medieval Greek fana
  • piastre, n. coin (), a Turkish, Ottoman or Egyptian coin (
  • pic, n. [ Levantine Turkish pik ancient Greek phxu dis
  • pilaf, n. [ Turkish pilav Persian pilav (see p
  • pitta | pita, n. ersian kumaj). Turkish pide () is a loanword,
  • porte, n.after Ottoman Turkish bab-i ali ( Arabic bab gate
  • posh, n. and adj. ian, Urdu, and Turkish, but in no case is there di
  • Prophet flower, n.after Ottoman Turkish gul-i peygamber, lit. 'flow
  • purse, n.after Ottoman Turkish kise, (in later sources) ke
  • qursh, n. astre Ottoman Turkish qurus, gurus kurus n. Compa
  • rahat lokum, n. ritten Ottoman Turkish rahatulhulkum (colloquial r
  • Rajput, n. and adj. lier), Ottoman Turkish rasbut (th cent.).]
  • raki, n. [ Ottoman Turkish raqi brandy, spirits (Turki
  • rakia, n. atian rakija ( Turkish raki raki n.), apparently o
  • Ramadan, n. artly Ottoman Turkish ramazan (Turkish ramazan);
  • redif [ Turkish, a. Arab. redif one who fol
  • roche alum from Roccha, a Turkish province in N. Syria, is ev
  • Roumelian, a. (n.) tine Greek (of Turkish nationality), il province.]
  • saffian an saftian, a. Turkish (Persian) saxtiyan. Cf. Ger
  • saffron, n. and a. d unchanged in Turkish, Persian, and Hindustani);
  • saic F. saique, ad. Turkish shaiqa.]
  • salep Pg. salepo, a. Turkish salep, a. Arabic thaleb (pr
  • samiel [a. Turkish samyel, f. sam a. Arab. sam
  • sandal, n. [a. Turkish and Persian sandal, Arab. c
  • sanjak [ Turkish sanjaq; lit. 'banner'.]
  • sanjakbeg, -bey [ Turkish: see sanjak and beg n., be
  • santir, santour santir (Pers., Turkish santur), corruption of Gr.
  • satin, n. (and a.) [F. turc = Turkish]
  • Scanderbeg, n. and a. [A use of the Turkish appellation (Iskander = Ale
  • scimitar , samitarra. A Turkish origin would be expected, b
  • selictar [repr. Turkish pronunciation of Pers. sila
  • seraglioto render the Turkish serai lodging, palace (see
  • serai [a. Turkish (orig. Persian) serai lodgi
  • seraph , corruptly a. Turkish sharif: see shariffe. Cf. I
  • seraskier [repr. Turkish pronunciation of Pers. sera
  • serpet [error for Turkish sepet wicker basket.]
  • shabracque, shabrack agyar csabrag, Turkish capraq.]
  • shawarma, n. irma, sawirma Turkish cevirme sliced meat roasted
  • sherbet [a. Turkish and Persian sherbet, a. Ara
  • shisha, n.sisa glass or Turkish sise glass.]
  • shish kebab [a. Turkish siskebap, f. sis skewer + k
  • solak [a. Turkish solaq. So F. solak.]
  • spahi [ad. Turkish (Persian) sipahi: see sepoy
  • Stambouline, a. and n. m of Istanbul, Turkish name of Constantinople + -i
  • subashi [ Turkish subashi and cubashi, f. cu
  • tabor, n. gyar tabor, a. Turkish tabor camp (anciently a cam
  • talisman c, Persian, or Turkish spoken word, imperfectly ca
  • talisman c, Persian, or Turkish. The only Arabic form at al
  • tandour, tandoor ur, a. tandur, Turkish pronunc. of Pers. and Arab.
  • Tartarish, a.+ -ish: cf. Turkish.]
  • Tat, n. a. Russ., from Turkish.]
  • tea, n. ), Arab. shay, Turkish chay. The Portuguese brough
  • tezkere, teskere tathkirah, in Turkish tezkere, lit. memorandum, r
  • timar [Persian (and Turkish) timar attendance, watching
  • tophaike [ad. vulgar Turkish tufek (literary tufeng) mus
  • toughra [a. Turkish tura, tugra.]
  • trabant . drabanti; of Turkish (orig. Pers.) origin: see d
  • trehala [ad. Turkish tiqalah, native name.]
  • tulip i)band, vulgar Turkish pronunciation of Persian du
  • turban, n. and, in vulgar Turkish pronounced tulbant, tul(i)p
  • turbeh [ Turkish, a. Arab. turbah tomb, sepu
  • Turcoman applied to the Turkish nomads. Hence med.L. Turcom
  • turcopole children of a Turkish or Saracen father and Greek
  • turken, v. see turkess(e, turkish v. Possibly f. Turk n. + -
  • turkess(e, -eis(e, -is(s, v. k and Turkeys, Turkish; at least, they were often
  • turkey-cock ed through the Turkish dominions; it was called Gu
  • turkis, turkes, -esse -queis, -quois Turkish; prop. tenailles turquoises
  • turkish, v. [app. f. Turkish a.: cf. turkess(e v.]
  • Turkishly, adv. [f. Turkish a. + -ly.]
  • turquesque It. turchesco) Turkish.]
  • turquin he meaning of ' Turkish' may be preserved.]
  • turquoise, n. (a.)turquois adj. Turkish, in full pierre turquoise,
  • tzatziki, n. . tsatsiki, f. Turkish.]
  • Uighur, n. and a. [ad. East Turkish uighur, f. ui to follow, fi
  • vampire, n. suggests north Turkish uber witch, as a possible s
  • vilayet [ Turkish, ad. Ar. welayeh, -yet dist
  • wazir ir, whence the Turkish vezir: see vizier.]
  • woodoo [ Turkish wazu.]
  • yaourt [ Turkish yoghurt (with quiescent gh)
  • yataghan [a. Turkish yataghan.]
  • yogurt [a. Turkish yoghurt.]
  • zaptieh [ Turkish dabtiyeh, f. Arab. dabt adm
  • zarcole [ Turkish.]
  • zel