



Inherited from Old Gujarati नउं (naüṃ).



નું ()

  1. Expressing possesion, of, 's.
    1. Belonging to (someone or something) as something they possess or have as a characteristic.
      બિપિનનો હથોડો
      bipinno hathoḍo
      Bipin's hammer
    2. Belonging to (a place) through having title, ownership or control over it.
      રાજકોટની રાણી
      rājkoṭ rāṇī
      the queen of Rajkot
    3. Belonging to, existing in, or taking place in a given location, place or time.
      માઘનો ધરતીકંપ
      māghno dhartīkamp
      the earthquake of Māgha (the earthquake that happened in Māgha)
  2. Expressing qualities or characteristics.
    1. Indicating quantity, age, price, etc.
      બે મણનો પલંગ
      be maṇno palaṅg
      a bed of two maunds
      a two-maund bed
      પંદર વર્ષનું છોકરું
      pandar varṣ chokrũ
      a child of fifteen
      a fifteen-year-old child
      દસ હજાર રૂપિયાનો હિંડોળો
      das hajār rūpiyāno hiṇḍoḷo
      a swing of ten thousand rupees
      a ten-thousand rupee swing
    2. Indicating a quality or characteristic; "characterized by".
      તે સારો સ્વભાવની મહિલા છે
      te sāro svabhāv mahilā che
      she is a woman of good nature
      she is a good-natured woman
  3. Having partitive effect.
    1. Following a noun indicating a given part.
      ગામનાં છોકરાંઓ બધાં બહુ ખુશ છે
      gāmnā̃ chokrā̃o badhā̃ bahu khuś che
      the children of the village are all very happy
  4. Expressing origin.
    1. Indicating an ancestral source or origin of descent.
      હું ગુજરાતનો છું
      hũ gujrātno chũ
      I am from Gujarat
      I am of Gujarat
  5. Expressing a point in time.
    1. Used after a noun to indicate duration of a state, activity, etc.
      મારો ત્રણ વર્ષનો પતિ
      māro traṇ varṣno pati
      my husband of three years
  6. Indicates a purpose or user.
    આ છોકરાંઓનું રમક્ડું છે
    ā chokrā̃o ramakḍũ che
    This is a child's toy
  7. When in the locative, in the absence of a specified object, used to indicate “the house/place/establishment of”.
    હું સુથારીને ત્યાં જવાનો છું
    hũ suthārīne tyā̃ javāno chũ
    I'm going to go to the carpenter's place
    કૃષ્ણ રાધાને ત્યાં જાય છે
    kŕṣṇ rādhāne tyā̃ jāya che
    Krishna is going to Radha's house
  8. Indicates the actor of a verb to be completed in the near future.
    હું જમવાની છું
    hũ jamvā chũ
    I am going to eat (a female actor)
    મારો ભાઈ કરવાનો છે
    māro bhāī karvāno che
    My brother is going to do it


Declension of નું
nominative oblique/vocative/instrumental locative
singular plural singular plural
masculine નો (no) ના () ના () ના () ને (ne)
neuter નું () નાં (nā̃) ના () નાં (nā̃) ને (ne)
feminine ની () ની () ની () ની ()
  • Note: If the noun being modified is unmarked, then the masculine and neuter locatives do not apply.

