See also: 厝边

Chinese edit

(Min) house; bury; to place
(Min) house; bury; to place; dispose
side; edge; margin
side; edge; margin; border; boundary
trad. (厝邊)
simp. (厝边)

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. (Min or Taiwan) neighbour
  2. (Min) area around one's house

Usage notes edit

厝邊厝边 usually refers to the immediate next-door neighbours, while 厝邊頭尾厝边头尾 is a more general term referring to everyone who lives in the same neighbourhood. Compare to the difference between 隔籬鄰舍隔篱邻舍 and 街坊 in Cantonese.

Synonyms edit

  • (neighbour):