Japanese edit

Kanji in this term

Grade: S

Pronunciation edit

  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "召す"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
召す [méꜜsù]
Imperative (命令形) 召せ [méꜜsè]
Key constructions
Passive 召される され [mèsáréꜜrù]
Causative 召させる させ [mèsáséꜜrù]
Potential - - -
Volitional 召そう [mèsóꜜò]
Negative 召さない ない [mèsáꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 召さなかった なかった [mèsáꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 召します しま [mèshímáꜜsù]
Perfective 召した した [méꜜshìtà]
Conjunctive 召して して [méꜜshìtè]
Hypothetical conditional 召せば せば [méꜜsèbà]

Verb edit

() (mesutransitive godan (stem () (meshi), past ()した (meshita))

  1. (honorific) call, summon
  2. eat
  3. (honorific) wear
  4. (honorific) take a bath
  5. (honorific) catch a cold
  6. commit seppuku
  7. (honorific) amuse someone, tickle someone's fancy

Conjugation edit