In the Appendix namespace
- Abbreviations
- Alphabet
- Balkanisms (a list)
- Books of the Bible
- Chemical elements
- Countries of the world
- Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe,
- North America, South America,
- Oceania and Australasia
- Compass points
- Physics: fundamental interactions
- Geologic timescale
- Griko
- Military ranks
- Names, given
- Given names Romanised
- Numbers and measurement
- Palindromes
- Physics (fundamental interactions)
- Pronunciation – IPA table
- Punctuation
- Swadesh list
- Terms for watercraft
- Traditional Greek place names.
- Transliteration
- Phrasebook
- Accommodation, Basic, Family
- Food and drink, Health
- Motoring, Out and about
- Shopping, Time, Travel
- Determiners
- Metatheses
- Nouns – declensions
- Pronouns
- Verbs – conjugation etc
- Word lists
In the Wiktionary namespace