Appendix:Variations of "^"

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
(space) | - . ? ^ = #

A symbol like "^" appears in many scripts with many uses.

  • , Canadian pi
  • , n-ary and
  • Λ, Greek capital lambda
  • , Tifinagh yad
  • 𝛬, italic capital lambda
  • 𝚲, bold capital lambda
  • 𝜦, bold italic capital lambda
  • 𝝠, sans-serif bold capital lambda
  • 𝞚, sand-serif bold italic capital lambda
  • 𐌡, Old Italic numeral five[1]
  • , and
  • ʌ, Latin small turned v
  • , Greek small capital lambda
  • , New Tai Lue digit eight
  • ٨, Eastern Arabic numeral eight
  • ۸, Persian numeral eight
  • , curly and
  • , sloping large and

Symbols lower than x-height, raised from the baseline

  • ^, circumflex
  • , up arrowhead
  •  ̂, combining circumflex