Appendix:Variations of vertical lines
Variation Appendices: |
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (space) | - . ? ^ = ≡ ≣ # |
edit- | (vertical bar or pipe)
- ❘ (light vertical bar)
- ❙ (medium vertical bar)
- ❚ (heavy vertical bar)
- ∣ (indicates an integer divisor)
- ∤ (indicates not a divisor)
- | (fullwidth vertical bar)
- │ (light vertical box drawing character)
- 𝄀 (musical barline)
- 𝄅 (short musical barline)
- 𝆞 (musical ornament)
- 𝇁 (longa perfecta rest)
- 𝇂 (longa imperfecta rest)
- 𝇃 (brevis rest)
- 𝇄 (semibrevis rest)
- 𝇅 (minima rest)
- ◌𝅥 (combining note stem)
- ⦚ (vertical zigzag line)
- ⧘ (left wiggly fence)
- ⧙ (right wiggly fence)
- ⫯ (vertical line with circle above)
- ⫰ (vertical line with circle below)
- ⟟ (down tack with circle above)
- ⫱ (down tack with circle below)
- 𝇪 (koron)
- 𝆃 (arpeggiato up)
- 𝆄 (arpeggiato down)
- 𝅗𝅥 (half note)
- 𝅘𝅥 (quarter note)
- 𝄽 (quarter rest)
- 𝆹𝅥 (minima)
- 𝆺𝅥 (black minima)
- 𝇓 (virga)
- 𝆨 (end of stimme)
- ◌𝅦 (combining sprechgesang stem)
- ◌𝆭 (combining snap pizzicato)
Multiple vertical lines
editVariations of double vertical lines
edit- | | (enclosing vertical lines)
- ‖ (caesura mark; double vertical line)
- ‖_‖ (enclosing caesura mark; indicates the norm)
- ⏸ (pause symbol)
- ǁ (lateral click)
- ∥ (lines are parallel)
- ∦ (lines are not parallel)
- ⫲ (parallel lines with stroke)
- ⫳ (parallel lines with tilde)
- ⫫ (independence (statistics))
- 𝄁 (double musical barline)
- 𝄥 (drum cleff)
- 𝄂 (final barline)
- 𝄃 (reverse final barline)
- 𝇩 (sori)
- ⧚ (left double wiggly fence)
- ⧛ (right double wiggly fence)
Variations of triple vertical lines
editBroken vertical lines
edit- ¦ (broken vertical bar)
- ¦ (fullwidth broken vertical bar)
- ! (exclamation mark)
- ︕ (exclamation mark (presentation form))
- ! (small exclamation mark)
- ‼ (double exclamation mark)
- ❗ (red exclamation mark)
- ❕ (white exclamation mark)
- ¡ (inverted exclamation mark)
- ⫶ (triple colon)
- ⦙ (quadruple (dotted) fence)
- 𝄄 (dashed musical barline)
edit- [ (left square bracket)
- ] (right square bracket)
- ⁅ (left square bracket with quill)
- ⁆ (right square bracket with quill)
- 1 (numeral for the number one)
- ⊥ (contradiction or false)
- ⊤ (tautology or true)
- 🙭 (upward (rocket) fleuron)
- 🙯 (downward (rocket) fleuron)
- ∫ (integral symbol)
Writing systems
edit- ǀ (dental click)
- ǃ (alveolar click)
Indic letters
edit- । (Devanagari daṇḍa)
- ॥ (Devanagari double daṇḍa)
Latin letters
edit- i (lower case Latin letter)
- ɨ (lower case barred i)
- I (upper case Latin letter)
- Ɨ (upper case barred I)
- l (lower case Latin letter)
- ƚ (lower case barred l)
- ł (lower case l with stroke)
- ꝉ (lower case l with high stroke)
- Ƚ (upper case barred L)
- Ł (upper case L with stroke)
- Ꝉ (upper case L with high stroke)
Korean letters
edit- ㅏ (vowel of the alphabet of the Korean writing system)
- ㅑ (vowel of the alphabet of the Korean writing system)
- ㅐ (vowel of the alphabet of the Korean writing system)
- ㅒ (vowel of the alphabet of the Korean writing system)
Vertical arrows
edit- ↑ (upward arrow)
- ⬆ (upward black arrow)
- ↑ (halfwidth upward arrow)
- ⇡ (upward dashed arrow)
- ↟ (upward double headed arrow)
- ⇞ (upward arrow with double stroke)
- ↥ (upward arrow from bar)
- ⭱ (upward arrow to bar)
- ↾ (upward harpoon (barb on the right))
- ↿ (upward harpoon (barb on the left))
- ⥜ (upward harpoon from bar (barb on the right))
- ⥠ (upward harpoon from bar (barb on the left))
- ⥔ (upward harpoon to bar (barb on the right))
- ⥘ (upward harpoon to bar (barb on the left))
- ⇑ (upward double arrow)
- ⇈ (upward paired arrows)
- ↓ (downward arrow)
- ⬇ (downward black arrow)
- ↓ (halfwidth downward arrow)
- ⇣ (downward dashed arrow)
- ↡ (downward double headed arrow)
- ⇟ (downward arrow with double stroke)
- ↧ (downward arrow from bar)
- ⭳ (downward arrow to bar)
- ⇂ (downward harpoon (barb on the right))
- ⇃ (downward harpoon (barb on the left))
- ⥝ (downward harpoon from bar (barb on the right))
- ⥡ (downward harpoon from bar (barb on the left))
- ⥕ (downward harpoon to bar (barb on the right))
- ⥙ (downward harpoon to bar (barb on the left))
- ⇓ (downward double arrow)
- ⇊ (downward paired arrows)
- ↕ (up down arrow)
- ⬍ (up down black arrow)
- ↨ (up down arrow from bar)
- ⇕ (up down double arrow)
- ⥑ (up down harpoon (barbs on the left))
- ⥏ (up down harpoon (barbs on the right))
- ⥌ (up down harpoon (barbs on lower left and upper right))
- ⥍ (up down harpoon (barbs on upper left and lower right))
- ⇅ (up down pair of arrows)
- ⭿ (up down pair of arrows to bars)
- ⇵ (down up pair of arrows)
Variations of slanting lines
editForward slash
- / (solidus, forward slash, or slash)
- ⧸ (big solidus)
- ⁄ (fraction slash)
- ⁄ (division slash)
- / (fullwidth solidus)
- ⧶ (solidus with overbar)
- 🙼 (very heavy solidus)
- ╱ (box drawings light diagonal)
- 𝄍 (musical repeat sign)
- 𝆱 (glissando up)
- 𝅪 (tremolo 1)
- ◌𝅧 (combining tremolo 1)
- ⫽ (double solidus)
- ⫻ (triple solidus)
- 𝄓 (caesura)
- 𝅫 (tremolo 2)
- 𝅬 (tremolo 3)
- ◌𝅨 (combining tremolo 2)
- ◌𝅩 (combining tremolo 3)
Backslash slash
See also
editFurther reading
edit- Vertical bar on Wikipedia.Wikipedia