Are you saying Matasović is wrong in having Gloywos and not Gloiwos? UtherPendrogn (talk) 14:01, 18 October 2016 (UTC)

UtherPendrogn (talk)14:01, 18 October 2016

We just had a discussion at the talk page of WT:ACEL, where we decided to denote diphthongs as oi, ai, ou etc. This is nothing but a spelling change, but you'll need to convert Matasović's notation to ours from now on whenever you create entries.

CodeCat14:02, 18 October 2016
Not much of a discussion if not everyone is involved.
UtherPendrogn (talk)14:27, 18 October 2016

Your inability to keep track of this project is not our fault.

JohnC514:42, 18 October 2016

She pinged three people. That's not my fault, I don't go to obscure pages, especially if I'm not pinged.

UtherPendrogn (talk)10:26, 25 October 2016

The talk page of WT:ACEL is the designated place for discussing treatment of Proto-Celtic. You should add it (and WT:ACEL-BRY) to your watchlist, rather than waiting for people to ping you

Chuck Entz (talk)04:34, 26 October 2016