Java isn't Javanese

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

But then what should be done for words that are used only on the island of Java?

CodeCat13:56, 17 August 2015

The label Java should presumably be reserved for those. The label being used doesn't even link right — it goes to the island (w:Java) rather than to w:Java (programming language). So maybe we need a new topic label for that which handles the link to WP right and categorises right.

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds00:04, 18 August 2015

So far, there aren't any. All of the entries in Category:Javanese English use "Java" to refer to the programming language. If you think about it, most of the localized vocabulary is in separate lects such as Javanese, not in Indonesian or English or Dutch. It looks to me like a choice between accommodating actual usage as opposed to the nebulous theoretical potential for maybe a term or two to use the other version.

The problem here is that you've forced a massive restructuring of a sizable chunk of our categories all at once, without anyone having a chance to weigh in. Even if you were all-knowing, free of all bias, and perfect (you aren't- but then, no one is), there would be quite a bit of disruption. As it is, it will take a very long time for rfm to deal with the mess. I realize that some people will attack you no matter what you do, but you shouldn't be giving legitimate reasons for others to join them.

Chuck Entz (talk)01:59, 18 August 2015