Templating links to wikisyntax characters

Templating links to wikisyntax characters

I just reverted some edits to symbol entries where MewBot tried to convert [[=]] to use {{l}}, with predictably awful results. You might want to tighten MewBot's code a bit so that doesn't happen again. Thanks!

Chuck Entz (talk)00:51, 25 April 2016

What do you suggest?

CodeCat01:10, 25 April 2016

Leave any plain link containing template syntax characters alone. I would also suggest leaving large Chinese entries alone for the time being: there have been problems lately with Chinese modules using too much memory, and adding templates on an entry that uses 48 MB will push it over the 50 MB limit (as has happened with a few MewBot edits, already).

Chuck Entz (talk)01:31, 25 April 2016

The script now skips links that have = in them. But we should have a more durable solution for such links.

CodeCat01:35, 25 April 2016

(I assume that this is part of this thread) Αύγουστος has had {{l}} added to a link in its "See also" section. There are quite a few of these in words in families (months, numbers …). Can these be reverted by a bot?

  — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk04:45, 25 April 2016

Thank you -sche

  — Saltmarshσυζήτηση-talk04:53, 26 April 2016

Hey Code Cat, we don't know each other well, but you seem like a very tech-savvy cat! I just thought I'd ask your advice. I see that you just had a question on "history." I was reading some interesting material related to biology, etc. in a Wiki page, and I followed a link there to some photos. when I tried to go back, I could not find it, and since my "history" automatically erases, I have not been able to get back to it! I had been reading other boring stuff about typing... I don't want to have to go back to reading about THAT! Thanks,

Gar LE Mond, 26 April 2016