Translations of a Book-Title

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua

Because 1) karkkikani has a nice alliteration which is missing in makeiskani and 2) "karkki" is childspeak and "makeinen" as a term suits better in the mouth of a public officer. Another issue for consideration: if you add this to Wikimedia you should clearley indicate that it is a verbatim translation of the book title into Finnish and not the name of the book in Finnish.

Hekaheka (talk)15:23, 1 June 2016

@Hekaheka, you mean Wikidata?

Lo Ximiendo (talk)20:20, 1 June 2016

Yep, sorry for being confusing.

Hekaheka (talk)20:59, 1 June 2016