plurals > noun plural forms

plurals > noun plural forms

I just noticed you made this change to creationrules.js, which is okay, but it leaves things broken. So could you please go and fix anything that's feeding into Category:(language) plurals at the moment? I'd appreciate it if you'd deal with Swahili very soon, since I'm currently working on it — that'll mean dealing with {{sw-noun}} and running a bot over the rest.

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds01:06, 17 August 2015

I'm trying to be extra cautious in case Dan kicks up a storm for not liking it again...

CodeCat01:53, 17 August 2015

I'm sure he will, but I'll assume there was consensus in this case (although I haven't checked). Regardless, could you please deal with the repercussions so we don't have inconsistencies?

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds03:11, 17 August 2015

I've started running a bot to change the English entries. It will take a while though, there's over 100k entries in there.

CodeCat14:09, 17 August 2015

I don't remember seeing this change discussed. Have I got to change all my bots again?

SemperBlotto (talk)14:16, 17 August 2015

It's been right at the top of this month's BP for the past two weeks.

CodeCat14:22, 17 August 2015

I have been on holiday, so must have missed the vote. Anyway, I have adjusted and tested the bot on Italian, French and Portuguese nouns. Nothing to be done for Latin or German as they use different categories.

SemperBlotto (talk)07:31, 18 August 2015