User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-y

-y {suffix} :: -ly: from adjectives forms adverbs
{suffix} [inflectional suffix] :: masculine nominative singular of hard adjectives
ý {letter} :: letter, after y and before z
Ý {letter} :: A letter of the Czech alphabet, representing a long y
Yaoundé {prop} {n} :: Yaoundé (capital city)
yard {m} :: yard (unit of length)
yellowstonský {adj} :: Yellowstone
yeti {m} :: yeti (unidentified animal)
-yně {suffix} :: A suffix
yorkshirský {adj} [relational] :: Yorkshire
yperit {m} :: mustard gas, yperite
ypsilon {m} :: upsilon
ypsilon {m} :: letter: y
-ýř {suffix} :: Creates nouns
ytterbium {n} :: ytterbium (metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 70)
yttrium {n} :: yttrium (metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 39)
Yucatán {prop} {m} :: Yucatán (state)
yzop {m} :: hyssop (any of several aromatic bushy herbs, of the genus Hyssopus)