occurances of some trouble:

  • from XML dump
  • matches may not be perfect at this point
  • looking for inappropriate examples from a particular user (mostly Dutch)
  • this run is checked against current, a lot were fixed
  • of course, some of these are perfectly legitimate
  • some of these are listed as "stops" and not shown, but some are

  • -a: spank(er)
    #: rassrassa — an ass → to spank (on the ass)
  • adam: naked
    #: Adams drakt or adamsdrakt = to be naked (literally: "Adam's costume")
  • alasti: naked
    #::to be naked
  • arse over tit: arse
    #:I missed the step and went arse over tit.
  • bast: spank(er)
    #:: When the forrester saw the rascals tear the bark off birch trees again, he cut a fresh birchrod to spank their bare hides.
  • blow: cheeks
    #:Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow! -- King Lear
  • burn: cheeks
    #: Her cheeks burned with shame.
  • bust one's butt: butt
    #:I've been busting my butt getting the tent fixed, while you're just sipping cocoa. Give me a hand.
  • butt heads: butt
    #:They always seem to butt heads when they end up talking about politics.
  • butt in: butt
    #:Hey, this is none of your business, don’t butt in!
  • butt-naked: naked, butt
    #: The streaker's wet dream was to be on TV butt-naked on a rainy day.
  • bær: naked
    #:Wit her baru standaþ unwered wædo: we stand here naked, unprotected by garments. (Cædmon's Metrical Paraphrase)
  • chevron: cheeks
    #:"Earlier, in glaring winter daylight, I'd first noticed thin lines chevroning off the edge of each eye into the taut skin of his cheeks..."
  • chubby: cheeks
    #:It's quite normal for healthy babies to have chubby cheeks.
  • cineritious: cheeks
    #: The coal minor's daughter was buxom and pretty but lacked color, her cheeks cineritious (ashen) as the grime that had supported her meagre upbringing deep within the mountain country of West Virginia.
  • cingle: buttock(s)
    #:*1990: A triangle of arcs, her slip, flag red, and her friend with a swimmer’s back and saucery hollows in his solidly boxed buttocks was cupped into a gauze pouch and cingle. — Guy Davenport, The Drummer of the Eleventh North Devonshire Fusiliers
  • contour: buttock(s)
    #:The shapely contour of a woman's buttocks.
  • ferril: butt
    #:*1786: Fig. 3. A battle ax, in the collection of Mr. Rawle. Fig. 4. Its butt end and iron ferril, the staff on which it is fixed is octagonal, and measures five feet four inches. — Francis Grose, A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page xiii.
  • flengja: spank(er)
    #:: I don't spank children.
  • fly: cheeks
    #:: With tears streaming down her cheeks, she fled the taunting words of the other girls.
  • get off lightly: spanking(s)
    #:My cousin got off lightly with a spanking after he broke the boy’s leg
  • get one's butt somewhere: butt
    #: Get your butt here this instant! You're in big trouble!
    #:I've got to get my butt to class.
  • grabable: buttock(s)
    #: The waitress had a particularly grabable buttocks, I had to restrain myself.
  • guiche: cheeks
    #:*1973: At this distance, some 20 meters, she is only a dim figure in a black bombazine frock that reaches to her knees, her bare legs long and straight, a short hood of bright blonde hair keeping her face in shadow, coming up in guiches to touch her cheeks. — Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
  • hamster: cheeks
    #: It is the cutest sight to see a hamster stuff his puffy cheeks with food; where is it going to store it?
  • hittable: spanking(s)
    #:*1998:"Actually, we are both forgetting the most important step in why children are legally hittable and by whom." — [1]
  • hogshead: butt
    #:*1882: Again, by 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 14, it is re-enacted that the tun of wine should contain 252 gallons, a butt of Malmsey 126 gallons, a pipe 126 gallons, a tercian or puncheon 84 gallons, a hogshead 63 gallons, a tierce 41 gallons, a barrel 31.5 gallons, a rundlet 18.5 gallons. — James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, p. 205.
  • hot pants: cheeks, butt
    #:Her hot pants were so short, I could see her butt cheeks.
  • jawn: spank(er)
    #:"Just back from a tour in Australia, he was sitting at a table in the dining car with a group of friends that included members of the hip-hop groups Spank Rock and Plastic Little. 'This,' he said, 'is the jawn.'"
  • kehdata: naked
    #:**I was too ashamed to go naked to sauna.
  • kick butt: butt
    #:I never thought I'd say it, but being the governor of California kicks butt!
  • klootzak: arse
    #::What kind of bastard do those arse-holes take John for, a criminal?
  • lame: licks
    #: Lame. — “[He/she/it] licks.”
  • laughing stock: naked
    #:After I got drunk and fell asleep naked outside my manager's house, I've been the laughing stock of the club.
  • laughingstock: naked
    #:After I got drunk and fell asleep naked outside my manager's house, I've been the laughingstock of the club.
  • lick: licks
    #: There are some really good blues licks in this solo.
  • lined: cheeks
    #:*:He had a healthy colour in his cheeks, and his face, though lined, bore few traces of anxiety.
  • my arse: arse
    #:Barbara Royle: Beast my arse. - The Royal Famly
  • naked as a jaybird: naked
    #: Never the prude, Eliza walked out into the dorm common room naked as a jaybird and grabbed her forgotten towel.
  • podex: buttock(s)
    #: hietque turpis inter aridas natis podex (& an anus yawning between arid buttocks) — Horace, Epodes VIII [2] (translation by John T. Quinn, 1997/8) [3]
  • propinquity: naked
    #:*1985: There was also the question of Julius’s glandular responses to the almost daily propinquity of his Empress, so naked under her lawn. — Anthony Burgess, Kingdom of the Wicked
  • pucker: cheeks
    #:1921 The mouth was compressed, and on either side of it two tiny wrinkles had formed themselves in her cheeks. An infinity of slightly malicious amusement lurked in those little folds, in the puckers about the half-closed eyes, in the eyes themselves, bright and laughing between the narrowed lids. — Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow, Chapter 3.
  • puff out: cheeks
    #: He puffed out his cheeks.
  • puffed out: cheeks
    #: He had his cheeks puffed out as if his mouth was full of water.
  • puncheon: butt
    #:*1882: Again, by 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 14, it is re-enacted that the tun of wine should contain 252 gallons, a butt of Malmsey 126 gallons, a pipe 126 gallons, a tercian or puncheon 84 gallons, a hogshead 63 gallons, a tierce 41 gallons, a barrel 31.5 gallons, a rundlet 18.5 gallons. — James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, p. 205.
  • rat-arsed: naked
    #: I got completely rat-arsed last night, and ended up tied naked to a lamp post. I'm not going to do that again.
  • rax: naked
    #:*1974: Shoeless, he stood naked on his toes, his arms raxed upwards. — Guy Davenport, Tatlin!
  • reet: butt
    #:: He is sitting on his lazy butt.
  • rundlet: butt
    #:1882, Again, by 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 14, it is re-enacted that the tun of wine should contain 252 gallons, a butt of Malmsey 126 gallons, a pipe 126 gallons, a tercian or puncheon 84 gallons, a hogshead 63 gallons, a tierce 41 gallons, a barrel 31.5 gallons, a rundlet 18.5 gallons. — James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, p. 205.
  • shiver my timbers: cheeks
    #:Why, shiver my timbers, if I hadn't forgotten my score !" And, falling on a bench, he laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks.
  • shuck: naked
    #:He shucked his clothes and dove naked into the pool.
  • spank the monkey: spank(er)
    #:Dan said, "I'm going to go home and spank the monkey."
  • spank: spanking(s)
    #: The ship was really spanking along.
  • spanking: spanking(s)
    #: brand spanking new
    #: a spanking good time
    #: a spanking pace
    #: a spanking breeze
  • tear: cheeks
    #: There were big tears rolling down Lisa's cheeks.
  • tercian: butt
    #:*1882: Again, by 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 14, it is re-enacted that the tun of wine should contain 252 gallons, a butt of Malmsey 126 gallons, a pipe 126 gallons, a tercian or puncheon 84 gallons, a hogshead 63 gallons, a tierce 41 gallons, a barrel 31.5 gallons, a rundlet 18.5 gallons. — James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, p. 205.
  • the: naked
    #: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
  • threateningly: naked
    #:He tried to glare threateningly, but how much of a threat can you be when you are naked AND tied to a bed?
  • timing is everything: butt
    #: Telling the old joke about a butt-crack was not a good idea, just as the plummer arrived, Bob.
  • tòin: arse
    #:"Na pòg mo thòin" ("Don't kiss my arse")
  • uckfay: arse
    #:I worked my uckfay'en arse off to get a studio. [4]
  • пердеть: arse
    #: Template:RUchar — you can’t fart wider than your arse.
  • щека: cheeks
    #: поцелова́ть в о́бе щеки́ — to kiss both cheeks
    #: впа́лые щёки — sunken cheeks
    #: раздува́ть щёки — to puff out the cheeks
    #: румя́нец во всю щёку — red in the cheeks (said when one is shy)
    #: за свои́ми щека́ми не удержа́л, за чужи́ми не удержи́шь (proverb)(literally) if you can’t keep it under your own cheeks, you won’t be able to keep it under someone else’s