User talk:Stephen G. Brown/text10

list to be checked and corrected

  • baa yíʼááh = he gives it to him (a single roundish bulky object)
  • baa yíjááh = he gives them to him (a large number of small objects)
  • baa yíyeeh = he gives it to him (a burden, pack, or load)
  • baa yíłjooł = he gives it to him (noncompact matter)
  • baa yíkaah = he gives it to him (matter in an open container)
  • baa yílé = he gives it to him (a single slender flexible object)
  • baa yínííł = he gives them to him (several objects)
  • baa yíłteeh = he gives it to him (a single animate object)
  • baa yítįįh = he gives it to him (a single slender stiff object)
  • baa yítłeeh = he gives it to him (mushy matter)
  • baa yíłtsóós = he gives it to him (a single flat flexible object)

  1. Áash ałtsoní bikʼínínááh?Did you find everything okay?
  2. Binaʼjį łaʼ bééhidiʼníłígíí yíshį nee hólǫ́?Do you have a rewards card with us?
  3. Neʼádengo éh nibéésh bee haneʼé biijį áníléh.Type in your phone number if you don't have your rewards card.
  4. Azis yíshį ná biiʼashnį́į́ł?Would you like a bag?
  5. Bikeh naʼiiznii yíshį nínízin?Would you like the receipt?
  6. Haʼátʼéego lá níkáʼiishyeed?How can I help you?



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