Wiktionary:February Competition 2014

WT:FUN competition


For this competition, we will be playing a variety of a board game. The board is identical to a Scrabble board, and the tiles used are identical to the ones used in English Scrabble. The rules are based on Scrabble, but modified to allow more "words". I'm assuming that everyone knows the basic rules of Scrabble, if not - look at this.

Modifications to the rules

  1. Acceptable words
    1. Any word in any language that uses Roman script and that passes WT:CFI is accepted. Spaces, capital letters, hyphens, punctuation, diacritical marks etc. are allowed, but for the sake of gameplay, are ignored when being put on the board. So, the word alitayttaa will be accepted as alitäyttää is a word. The words lookupto, YMCA, top-heavy are, therefore, valid too. Letters such as œ may be used as either o or e.
    2. Words not using the Roman alphabet are also valid, provided they are properly transliterated according to the general rules of the language. Hence, bystreje is allowed, as быстрее is a Russian word.
  2. Scoring: As multiple players will play with the same letters at the same time, the scoring system must be modified.
    1. Every round lasts for a day, or at least until the time when the Gamesmaster is next online after a period of 24 hours.
    2. With the seven tiles, players must make the word with the most points. Points are awarded in exactly the same way as in normal English-language Scrabble. Players should email their words to the Gamesmaster in such a way to show the starting place and the direction, e.g. [H7 across: bystreje]. Every player gets a corresponding score which will be placed in the points section.
    3. The highest-scoring word will be placed onto the board, and then new letters will be taken out of a virtual bag for the next round. In the result of a tie, the first player to submit gets their word on the table.
    4. Play continues thus until all the letters have been used up. The player with the highest total score is the winner.
  3. Contesting words
    1. Anybody is free to contest the validity of any words. Any words played which are later deleted from Wiktionary will incur a penalty of receiving nil points.



The board at the end of the game:

  • Gold - Triple word
  • Pink - Double word
  • Purple - Triple letter
  • Cyan - Double letter
1 S1 A1 P3 O1 N1 I1 T1 *0
2 T1 B3 U1 M3 P3 I1 T1 T1
3 R1 U1
4 R1 E1 W4 I1 N1 K5 L1 E1
5 L1 T1 O1 C3 A1 *0 I1 O1 N1
6 I1 J8 I1
7 C3 I1 E1
8 W4 A1 A1 Z10 F4 R1 E1 X8 R1 O1 D2 E1 A1
9 F4 E1 T1 I1 D2 O1
10 S1 H4 E1 Y4 D2 A1 L1
11 V4 O1 Y4 U1 A1
12 L1 A1 N1 E1 S1 G2 G2
13 M3 I1 N1 G2 O1 Q10 U1 E1 E1
14 E1 R1 N1 S1 E1 H4
15 V4 A1 H4 A1 B3 O1 D2



Points are awarded as above. The deadline is normally by the end of the day (UTC).



On a blank board, with letters R - 1 J - 8 F - 4 A - 1 G - 2 S - 1 M -3

  • Bob - H6 down - ARMS - 12 points
  • Dave- E8 across - JAMS - 26 points
  • Ladylove988 - H4 down JARGS - 42 points
  • Sockpuppet9923 - H4 down - JMARsFG - 0 points (invalid word)
  • Maddog44 - H4 down - FARMS - 28 points

In this case, Ladylove988's word JARGS is placed onto the board, after she adds the word jargs to the dictionary.


Abbreviations or Initialisms
Symbol What it represents
SB SemperBlotto (talkcontribs)
BOTL Back on the list (talkcontribs)
Kenny kc_kennylau (talkcontribs)
Wikitiki Wikitiki89 (talkcontribs)
Equinox Equinox (talkcontribs)

Bolded plays are the ones worth the most points, which are put on the board.

Feb 1

F4 X8 D2 R1 D2 T1 E1
  • Kenny - H8 across - TRED - 10 points
  • Equinox - F8 across, "FREX" - 32 points
  • SB - A1 across (changed to H8 across) - FEX - 26 points

Feb 2


Starting at 17:00 UTC

E1 I1 D2 D2 J8 F4 T1
  • Kenny - H4~H8 DOWN: jidde - 23 points
  • Wikitiki - G7 down: TRIED - 8 points

* SB - F6 down - JIF - 29 points

    • BOTL - F6 down - JIFFED - 38 points

Feb 3


Starting at 18:15 UTC

E1 I1 D2 D2 Y4 F4 T1
  • Wikitiki - G7 down: FRIED (also forming IF at F7 across) - 23 points
  • Eq - FETID at F9 across, also forming JIFF, RE, ET, XI - 43 points
  • Kenny - F6~F10: APPEND SB: JIFFY - 29 points
  • SB - I6 down - DEXIFY - 22 points
  • Metaknowledge - FIFY starting at F9 across - 0 points (used F twice)
    • BOTL - h9 across: FYD also forming EF, XY - 35 points

Feb 4


Starting at 18:20 UTC

H4 V4 D2 O1 Y4 E1 S1
  • EQ - VYES at E10 across, also forming JIFFY, REE, ETS - 53 points
  • Wikitiki - C10 across SHEYD (transliteration of Yiddish שייד), also spelling JIFFY and RED - 54 points
  • Kenny - F10~H10:YES (F6~F10:JIFFY, G8~G10:REE, H8~H10:ETS) - 49 points
  • SB - D10 across VOYS (also making JIFFY and RES) - 50 points
    • BOTL - F10 across - YODS (also making JIFFY, REO, ETD, XIS) - 64 points

Feb 5


Starting at 18:40 UTC

V4 N1 L1 O1 Y4 E1 N1
  • Wikitiki - H7 down: LETNY (Lower Sorbian "lětny" or Slovak "letný"), also forming SHEYDN (שיידן, plural of SHEYD) - 21 points
  • Equinox - VOY at C11 across (38 points)
  • SB - G11 across ENVOY (also making REDE) - 27 points
    • BOTL - VOY at C11 across (38 points)

Feb 7


Starting at 1500

I1 N1 L1 S1 A1 E1 N1
  • SB - D12 across SENNA (also making HOS & EYE) - 30 points
  • Kenny - D10~D14: HOLAS (16 points)
  • Eq- LANES at B12 across (also forming SVA, HON, EYE): 34 points
  • Wikitiki - SALINE, also spelling SET and AXI (22 points)
    • BOTL - C12 across - AISLE (also spelling sva, hoi, eys - 34 points

Feb 8


Starting at 16:52

I1 N1 R1 N1 R1 M3 G2
  • Equniox - MING at A13 across, also making LI, SVAN, HONG: 38 points
  • SB - A12 down GRIM (also makes GLANES) - 36 points
  • Wikitiki - A12 down GRIM (also makes GLANES) - 36 points
    • BOTL- A12 down GRIM (also makes GLANES) - 36 points

Feb 9


Starting at 22:00

E1 E1 R1 N1 R1 H4 S1
  • SB - A11 down ESMEH (also making SLANES) - 40 points
  • Wikitiki - A14 across: ERNSEH (rare last name - Ernseh), also spelling ME, LIR, SVANN, HONGS (61 points)
  • Equinox - SMEH at A12 down, also making SLANES: 37 points
    • BOTL - SHERNER AT I10 acorss, also making XIS, DH - 94 points with the 7-letter bonus

Feb 11


Starting at 08:00

A1 B3 V4 G2 L1 H4 D2
  • SB - E15 across - VAGH (also making EV and RA) - 40 points.
  • Equinox - A15 across: VA (also making MEV, LIRA): 43 points
    • BOTL - I10 across - VHB (also making XIV, DH) - 44 points

Feb 12


Starting at 15:00

O1 B3 A1 G2 L1 H4 D2
  • SB - E15 across HABOD (Haböd) (also making EH and RA) - 37 points
    • BOTL - G4 down ABOHRED - 29 points

Feb 13



O1 O1 U1 G2 L1 E1 Q10
  • Equinox - LOQUE at H7 across (+ LET, OXI): 29 points
  • SB - F13 across OQUE (also making SORA): 31 points
    • BOTL - J10 across QUO (also making DQ): 64 points

Feb 15


Starting 16:00

E1 O1 A1 G2 L1 R1 E1
  • SB - K8 down ROLAGE (rôlage) (also making FETIDO) - 24 points - added as it was the first word submitted (new rule invented on the spot)
  • Equinox - H7 across GALORE (+ GET, AXI) = 24 points
    • BOTL - I14 across - GOLEARE (golearé) also making EGD - 75 points inc. 50 point bonus.

Feb 16


Starting 15:30

E1 O1 D2 A1 E1 E1 E1
  • SB - K8 across RODEA - 21 points
  • Equinox - REEDE at K8 across = 21 points
    • BOTL - G5 down - ADORED, also JD and IO - 22 points

Feb 17


Starting 18:20

E1 U1 T1 I1 N1 E1 E1
  • SB - M3 down UNITED - 16 points
  • Equinox - G3 down UNTIERED (also JI, IE) = 23 points
    • BOTL - M3 down UNITED - 16 points

Feb 19


Starting 10:15

E1 W4 R1 K5 I1 L1 E1
  • SB - C4 across REWINKLE - 90 points inc. 7-letter bonus
  • Equinox - WERK at H1 down (+ UR, NK) = 61 points
    • BOTL - M1 down - WRINKLE - 38 points

Feb 20


Starting 12:00

Z10 R1 S1 T1 L1 I1 C3
  • SB - D1 down STRELICZ (Hungarian surname to follow) (also REWINKLE) - 110 points inc. bonus
  • Equinox - ZIRGS at H12 across (also ZU, IE) = 73

Feb 21


Starting 13:20

T1 O1 N1 I1 A1 *0 P3

- the * is a blank

  • SB - D1 across - SAPONITE (final E is the blank) - 77 points
  • Eq - ANTIPOT at I3 across (final T is the blank; also AL, NE): 73 points
    • BOTL - A1 across POISSANT - 122 points

Feb 22


Starting 1545

A1 A1 T1 T1 M3 P3 W4
  • SB - A8 across WAAZ - 48 points
  • Equinox - PATZ at A8 across = 45
    • BOTL - WAMZ at A8 across - 54 points

Feb 23


Starting 11:45

B3 U1 T1 T1 M3 P3 I1
  • SB - I2 across BUMPITT (also IM, TU, ?EM? - 89 with bonus
  • Equinox - BUMP at L11 down (+ AB, GU, EM) = 34
    • BOTL - H1 across BUMPITT (+NB, IU, TM, EP) - 107 points

Feb 24


Starting 08:30

A1 N1 *0 I1 O1 C3 O1
  • SB - O1 down OTOCONIA (blank is letter "O" at O5) - 36

* Equinox - I5 across OCAsION (the Spanish word) also LO EC = 72

    • BOTL - I5 OCASION - 72

Feb 25


Final round, guys!

A1 U1 G2 {{{4}}}-1 {{{5}}}-1 {{{6}}}-1 {{{7}}}-1
  • Kenny - J9~J12 DAUG (also forming AL, UA, GG): 20 points
  • Equinox - AGU at L11 down (+ AA, GG, EU) = 20
  • SB - M1 across = GUT (also making GI, UT and TT) - 0 points (there's no T to play with, invalid)
    • BOTL - M1 across - AUG (also making AI, UT, GT - 25 points

Final standings


Please declare yourself winner!

By my calculation (adding all scores regardless of which words made it onto the board):
Back on the list: 38+35+64+38+34+36+94+44+29+64+75+22+16+38+122+54+107+72+25 = 1007
SemperBlotto: 26+29+22+50+27+30+36+40+40+37+31+24+21+16+90+110+77+48+89+36 = 879
Equinox: 32+43+53+38+34+38+37+43+29+24+21+23+61+73+73+45+34+72+20 = 793
Wikitiki: 8+8+23+54+21+22+36+61 = 233
Kc Kennylau: 10+23+29+49+16+20 = 147
Equinox 15:56, 26 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
And thanks to BOTL (or whatever he will be calling himself in the future) for a good game. Maybe we could have a repeat match with somebody else running it (volunteers??) - then BOTL could enter it properly. SemperBlotto (talk) 16:01, 26 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I declare SemperBlotto as the winner, as I didn't count myself taking part properly. I dedicate my non-victory to User:Mglovesfun, for whom I created the game. He was a master Scrabble player in his heyday. A pity he couldn't have joined in to give me someone decent to play against ;). --Back on the list (talk) 18:22, 26 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Now, can I think of a competition based on Monopoly or maybe Cluedo? ..... SemperBlotto (talk) 22:19, 26 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]