Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/September 12

Word of the day
for September 12
pink tea n
  1. (countable, US)
    1. (historical) A fashionable formal tea party or other social gathering; specifically, one organized and attended chiefly by women to discuss matters of suffrage, raise funds for charity, etc.
    2. (by extension) Any exclusive social gathering.
    3. (figuratively, chiefly in the negative, also attributively) Something (as an event or policy) excessively polite and refined; specifically, one regarded as ineffective and weak.
  2. (uncountable, India, Pakistan) A hot drink from the Indian subcontinent with a pink colour, made with gunpowder tea, baking soda, and milk.

The International Day of Democracy, which is recognized by the United Nations to promote and uphold the principles of democracy, is on 15 September.

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