See also: prószę

Polish edit

Etymology edit

See prosić.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /ˈprɔ.ʂɛ/
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔʂɛ
  • Syllabification: pro‧szę

Interjection edit


  1. please! used to make a polite request
    Proszę wyrzucić śmieci.Please take out the trash.
  2. come in! used to invite someone in to a room
  3. have at! used to encourage someone to do something
  4. pardon? used to ask someone to repeat what they just said
    Synonym: słucham
  5. hello? used to answer the phone
    Synonyms: halo, słucham
  6. excuse me? used as a general polite vocative in conjunction with a title [+accusative = to whom one is speaking]
    Nie zrobiłem zadania domowego, proszę paniI didn't do my homework, miss.
    Dobrze zrozumiałem, proszę pana.I understood correctly, sir.
    Jestem niewinny, proszę Wysokiego Sądu.I'm innocent, your Honor.
  7. you're welcome used in response to thank you
  8. here you are used when handing someone something
    Synonym: masz
  9. (sometimes duplicated) well, well, well used in mild surprise to something
    Proszę, proszę! Jednak przyszedłeś.Well, well, well, you came after all...

Usage notes edit

The form proszę panią is proscribed in sense #6, and the form proszę pani is recommended instead.

Verb edit


  1. first-person singular present of prosić

Further reading edit

  • proszę in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • proszę in Polish dictionaries at PWN