tabella di marcia





Literally, march table.



tabella di marcia f (plural tabelle di marcia)

  1. summary of the approximate times in which runners or cyclists should pass certain points of a route
  2. (by extension) schedule that sets the deadlines for the various phases of a job, process, etc.; timetable, road map, schedule
    Synonyms: programma, orario, piano
    • 2020 October 10, Valentina Conte, Giovanna Vitale, “Di Maio in pressing: "I soldi del Recovery servono al più presto" [Di Maio in pressing: "The money from the Recovery are needed as soon as possible"]”, in la Repubblica[1]:
      Pari al 10% del totale (209 miliardi in sei anni) che, da tabella di marcia, andrebbe incassato tra aprile e giugno.
      Equal to 10% of the total (209 billion in six years) that, according to the timetable, should be collected between April and June.