See also: toe tapper





From toe +‎ tapper.

Sense 2 (“joke”) derives from the practice of tapping one’s toes to indicate pleasure; compare toe-tappingly. Sense 3 (“closeted homosexual, especially one who solicits gay sex”) derives from the 2007 Larry Craig scandal in which then-Senator Larry Craig (born 1945) of Idaho, USA, was arrested after tapping his right foot in a men’s restroom, an action seen as covert solicitation of sex.[1]





toe-tapper (plural toe-tappers)

  1. (music) A piece of music with a prominent beat, to which one feels compelled to tap their toes.
    • 1989 August 12, Caroline Foty, “Hindsights”, in Gay Community News, volume 17, number 5, page 7:
      "I'd Be Lost Without You" seems somewhat out of place from a vocal viewpoint — Lewis's slightly reedy middle soprano is very expressive and absolutely true, but doesn't have enough dark body to fully deal with the torchy melody. It fares better in the ballads and toe-tappers that comprise the rest of the album.
    • 2018 December 12, Charles Bramesco, “A Spoonful of Nostalgia Helps the Calculated Mary Poppins Returns Go Down”, in The A.V. Club[4], archived from the original on 24 May 2019:
      [Emily] Blunt, for one, knows exactly what she's doing. She glides through her scenes even when she's not literally aloft, offsetting her sterner side with prim but genuine affection in her dialogue, then grinning her way through the energetic toe-tappers.
  2. A joke which is found to be pleasingly humorous.
  3. (possibly derogatory) A homosexual who is closeted regarding sexual orientation, especially one who solicits gay sex. [from 2007]
    • 2007 September 18, Jody May-Chang, “Justice Dept. has guidebook to public sex”, in[5]:
      The US Department of Justice has a handy guide for police to focus on when attempting to bust the next toe tapper or washroom wanker.
    • 2007 December 12, David, “No fucking way”, in[6]:
      Any bets he is an accomplished toe-tapper in the synagogue bathrooms?
    • 2008 February 14, g1r8c7c6#702696, “Hola, Hillary”, in[7]:
      It was nice to use the public restroom at the Hillary event. I didn't have to worry about a republican toe-tapper being in the next stall.
    • 2009 September 7, xavierob82, “VA GOP GOV Candidate Caught by his Family Values”, in[8]:
      Yeah, just like George "Mr. Macaca" Allen destroyed Jim Webb in '06. This race is still quite a way aways, and nothing gets Northern Virginia liberals out to the polls in full force faster than GOP nutjobs still peddling phony "cultural" issues and supposed "family values". This guy McDonnel, in fact, sounds like a bonafide bathroom stall toe-tapper.
    • 2010 April 18, aristotle, “Sneaking a lesbian onto the Supreme Court”, in[9]:
      Look, if you got a toe-tapper in the stall next to yourself, just run.
    • 2010 August 26, hill b. nut, “The Devil Made Me Do It”, in[10]:
      Letting him have a hand in gay politics right now is a little akin to letting the fox too near the henhouse. Or in terms that Republicans can understand, it's a little like letting the toe-tapper too near the airport bathroom stall.



See also



  1. ^ Associated Press (2007 October 10) “Larry Craig’s ‘Wide Stance’ Excuse Gains Prominence in Lexicon”, in FOX News[1], archived from the original on 3 November 2020; Michael K. Lavers (2007 September 11) “GLAAD After NY Post—Again—for ’Toe-Tapping’”, in EDGE Media Network[2], Boston, Mass., archived from the original on 3 November 2020; Patti Murphy, David Stout (2007 August 29) “Idaho senator says he regrets guilty plea in restroom incident”, in The New York Times[3], New York, N.Y.: The New York Times Company, →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 27 July 2020

Further reading


