User:Wietsezuyderwijk/Word file

My Personal Word File

  1. luscious/luscious
  2. to fall in/to fall in
  3. trifle/trifle
  4. to brood/to brood
  5. to underscore/to underscore
  6. expansive/expansive
  7. cavernous/cavernous
  8. ensnare/ensnare|ensnare
  9. entangle/entangle
  10. tome/tome
  11. tongue-in-cheek/tongue-in-cheek
  12. extensible/extensible
  13. gauge/gauge
  14. at the drop of a hat/at the drop of a hat
  15. idyll/idyll
  16. usurp/usurp
  17. foul/foul
  18. mishap/mishap
  19. log/log
  20. tendon/tendon
  21. beseech/beseech
  22. foil/foil
  23. prattle/prattle
  24. precept/precept
  25. trifling/trifling
  26. lexeme/lexeme
  27. bashful/bashful
  28. valiant/|valiant
  29. indignity/indignity
  30. to abase/to abase
  31. to patch/to patch
  32. murrain/murrain
  33. sot/sot
  34. surpass/surpass
  35. to troll/to troll
  36. to repulse/to repulse
  37. to outstrip/to outstrip
  38. disdain/disdain
  39. murky/murky
  40. twink/twink
  41. abstemious/abstemious
  42. enact/enact
  43. to vex/to vex
  44. to repose/to repose
  45. varlet/varlet
  46. valour/valour
  47. to smite/to smite
  48. frail/frail
  49. shin/shin
  50. tread/tread
  51. to hoodwink/to hoodwink
  52. frippery/frippery
  53. jest/jest
  54. barnacle/barnacle
  55. behold/behold
  56. penitent/penitent
  57. transgression/transgression
  58. curfew/curfew
  59. dainty/dainty
  60. refined/refined
  61. affliction/affliction
  62. to gild/to gild
  63. cramp/cramp
  64. to trim/to trim
  65. to indulge/to indulge
  66. draught/draught
  67. however/however
  68. tummy/tummy
  69. to munch/to munch
  70. readily/readily
  71. as though it were/as though it were
  72. wrapping/wrapping
  73. nibble/nibble
  74. spread out/spread out
  75. slab/slab
  76. shop window/shop window
  77. to belch/to belch
  78. to scent/to scent
  79. prune/prune
  80. to huddle/to huddle
  81. to light up/to light up
  82. as ... as can be/as .. as can be
  83. berth/berth
  84. bunk/bunk
  85. slack/slack
  86. changeover/changeover
  87. coach/coach
  88. rod/rod
  89. point/point
  90. turnout/turnout
  91. power point/power point
  92. eligible/eligible
  93. fumble/fumble
  94. ward off/ward off
  95. tosh/tosh
  96. pertinent/pertinent
  97. to sprain/to sprain
  98. toil/toil
  99. indolent/indolent
  100. barley/barley
  101. clime/clime
  102. cant/cant
  103. to elicit/to elicit
  104. scaffold/to elicit
  105. to scaffold/to scaffold
  106. to confide/to confide
  107. torrid/torrid
  108. spoof/spoof
  109. poise/poise
  110. being/feeling deflated/being/feeling deflated