
Ukrainian edit

Etymology edit

From роз- (roz-) +‎ мно́жити (mnóžyty). Compare Russian размно́жить (razmnóžitʹ), Belarusian размно́жыць (razmnóžycʹ), Polish rozmnożyć.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [rɔzmˈnɔʒete]
  • (file)

Verb edit

розмно́жити (rozmnóžytypf (imperfective розмно́жувати) (transitive)

  1. to multiply (increase the amount, degree or number of)
  2. (printing) to duplicate, to manifold, to reproduce (make multiple copies of)
  3. (biology) to multiply, to propagate, to reproduce
    Synonyms: розвести́ pf (rozvestý), розплоди́ти pf (rozplodýty)

Conjugation edit

Derived terms edit

Further reading edit