U+201D, ”

General Punctuation
See also: » »



Punctuation mark


  1. Encloses a quotation in some languages.

See also




Alternative forms


Punctuation mark


  1. encloses a quotation
    • 1940, Karin Boye, Kallocain. Roman från 2000-talet [Kallocain. A novel from the 21st century], page 5:
      Den bok jag nu sätter mig ner att skriva måste verka meningslös på många – om jag alls vågar tänka mig, att många får läsa den – eftersom jag alldeles självmant, utan någons order, börjar ett sådant arbete och ändå inte själv är riktigt på det klara med vad avsikten är.
      The book I am now sitting down to write must seem pointless to many – if I even dare imagine that "many" will get to read it – since I am entirely of my own accord, without anyone's orders, beginning such a work and yet am not entirely clear myself about what the purpose is.
    • 2025 January 9, “Venezuelas oppositionsledare María Corina Machado greps och släpptes [Venezuela's opposition leader María Corina Machado arrested and released]”, in SVT Nyheter, sourced from TT News Agency:
      Den 57-åriga politikern uppmanade anhängare att komma i miljontals för att pressa Maduro att lämna över makten till Edmundo González Urrutia, den oppositionella kandidaten i exil som flera internationella bedömare ser som den rättmätige valvinnaren.
      The 57-year-old politician urged supporters to gather "in their millions" to pressure Maduro to hand over power to Edmundo González Urrutia, the opposition candidate in exile whom several international observers regard as the rightful election winner.

Usage notes

  • An embedded (inner) quotation is set off with ’ ’, within ” ” for the outer quotation.
  • Can be produced with Alt code Alt+0148 on a Windows system.
  • The ” ” quotation marks are most commonly used in professional and institutional texts. The » » and, alternatively, » « quotation marks can be considered traditionally fancy. The " " quotation marks are the easiest to type on a Swedish standard keyboard layout and are therefore often used in texts where typography is less of a concern.