
Kanji in this term

Grade: 6

Grade: S
kun'yomi on'yomi
For pronunciation and definitions of 割り符 – see the following entry.
[noun] (historical) [12th to 19th century] a type of receipt held by parties to an agreement, consisting of a piece of bamboo or wood featuring a seal, writing, or other image, which is split into halves held by each party
[noun] (historical) [13th to 17th century] a bill of exchange or promissory note issued when making an agreement
[noun] [from 17th century] a receipt, something given as evidence of an agreement or transaction
[noun] counting or inspecting goods stored or exchanged
[noun] synonym of 割賦 (wappu, distributing allotments; purchasing in installments)
[verb] to verify inventory, to count or inspect goods being stored or exchanged
(This term, 割り符, is an alternative spelling of the above term.)