Japanese edit

Kanji in this term

Alternative spelling

Pronunciation edit

  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "蒔く"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
蒔く [máꜜkù]
Imperative (命令形) 蒔け [máꜜkè]
Key constructions
Passive 蒔かれる かれ [màkáréꜜrù]
Causative 蒔かせる かせ [màkáséꜜrù]
Potential 蒔ける [màkéꜜrù]
Volitional 蒔こう [màkóꜜò]
Negative 蒔かない ない [màkáꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 蒔かなかった なかった [màkáꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 蒔きます きま [màkímáꜜsù]
Perfective 蒔いた いた [máꜜìtà]
Conjunctive 蒔いて いて [máꜜìtè]
Hypothetical conditional 蒔けば けば [máꜜkèbà]

Verb edit

() (makutransitive godan (stem () (maki), past ()いた (maita))

  1. sow, plant
  2. disseminate (to sow and scatter principles, etc. for propagation, like seed)
  3. sprinkle gold or silver on lacquerware

Conjugation edit

Related terms edit