See also: and -오-

Korean edit

Etymology edit

See the main entry.

Pronunciation edit

Revised Romanization?o
Revised Romanization (translit.)?o
Yale Romanization?o

Suffix edit


  1. Post-vowel and post- (l) allomorphic form of (-so, semi-formal style sentence-final suffix).

Usage notes edit

Middle Korean edit

Etymology 1 edit

Pronunciation edit

Harmonic pair
Yin-form (-wu)
Yang-form (-wo)

Suffix edit


  1. Yang-vowel form of (-wu, adverb-deriving suffix)

Etymology 2 edit

Lenition in voiced environments. See Appendix:Koreanic reconstructions for more.

Pronunciation edit

Suffix edit

오〮 (-Gwó)

  1. Lenited allomorphic form of 고〮 (-kwó, verbal connective suffix) (in certain voiced environments)
Usage notes edit
  • This allomorph only occurs after coda liquid /-l/, a falling diphthong, the copula (i-), or the passivizing auxiliary (ti-). The velar stop is preserved before all other vowels.[1]

Etymology 3 edit

Lenition in voiced environments. See Appendix:Koreanic reconstructions for more.

Pronunciation edit

Particle edit

오〮 (-(G)wó)

  1. Lenited allomorphic form of 고〮 (-kwo, non-polar interrogative marker) (in certain voiced environments)
Usage notes edit
  • This allomorph is obligatory after /-j/, /-i/, or /-l/ (note that the irrealis suffix /-lQ/ is excluded here). It sometimes appears before other vowels as well.[1]
  • It was sometimes pronounced as /-ɣo/ and sometimes as /-o/, as can be perceived from orthographic variation between e.g. ᄒᆞ리〮오〮 (hò-lí-Gwó) and ᄒᆞ료〮 (hò-ly-wó).
See also edit
Middle Korean sentence enders
Form Mood Notes Applied to (sye-, to stand)
다〮 (-tá)
라〮 (-lá)
Declarative Unmarked 셔다〮 (Yale: syètá)
우〮마〮 (-wúmá) Promissive 셔우〮마〮 (Yale: syèwúmá)
(-n) 다〮 (-tá) Interrogative Realis Obligatory for second-person (2P) subject 션다〮 (Yale: syèntá)
가〮 (-ka) Polar question, non-2P subject 션가〮 (Yale: syènká)
고〮 (-kwo) Wh-word question, non-2P subject 션고〮 (Yale: syènkwó)
(-lq) 다〮 (-tá) Irrealis Obligatory for 2P subject 셜따〮 (Yale: syèlttá)
가〮 (-ká) Polar question, non-2P subject 셜까〮 (Yale: syèlkká)
고〮 (-kwó) Wh-word question, non-2P subject 셜꼬〮 (Yale: syèlkkwó)
니〮 (-ní-) 아〮 (-Gá) Realis Non-honorific Polar question 셔니〮아〮 (Yale: syèníGá), 셔녀〮 (Yale: syènyé)
오〮 (-Gwó) Non-polar question 셔니〮오〮 (Yale: syèníGwó), 셔뇨〮 (Yale: syènywó)
(-s-) 가〮 (-ká) Deferential No polarity distinction 셔닛〮가〮 (Yale: syèníská)
ᅌᅵᆺ (-ngìs-) Highly deferential 셔니〮ᅌᅵᆺ가〮 (Yale: syèníngìská)
리〮 (-lí-) 아〮 (-Gá) Irrealis Non-honorific Polar question 셔리〮아〮 (Yale: syèlíGá), 셔려〮 (Yale: syèlyé)
오〮 (-Gwó) Non-polar question 셔리〮오〮 (Yale: syèlíGwó), 셔료〮 (Yale: syèlywó)
(-s-) 가〮 (-ká) Deferential No polarity distinction 셔릿〮가〮 (Yale: syèlíská)
ᅌᅵᆺ (-ngìs-) Highly deferential 셔리〮ᅌᅵᆺ가〮 (Yale: syèlíngìská)
라〮 (-lá) Imperative Ordering Non-honorific 셔라〮 (Yale: syèlá)
아〮쎠〮 (-ássyé)
어〮쎠〮 (-éssyé)
Deferential 셔〮쎠〮 (Yale: syéssyé)
쇼〮셔〮 (-syósyé) Highly deferential 셔쇼〮셔〮 (Yale: syèsyósyé)
고〮 (-kwó-)
오〮 (-Gwó-)
라〮 (-lá) Requesting Non-honorific 셔고〮라〮 (Yale: syèkwólá)
려〮 (-lyé) Deferential 셔고〮려〮 (Yale: syèkwólyé)
ᅌᅵ (-ngì-) 다〮 (-tá) Highly deferential 셔고〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (Yale: syèkwóngìtá)
져〮 (-cyé) Propositive Plain 셔져〮 (Yale: syècyé)
사〮 (-sá-) ᅌᅵ (-ngì-) 다〮 (-tá) Deferential 셔사〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (Yale: syèsángìtá)
(-n) 뎌〮 (-tyé) Exclamatory Self-honoring 션뎌〮 (Yale: syèntyé)
(-lq) 셔〮 (-syé) 셜쎠〮 (Yale: syèlssyé)
고〮나〮 (-kwóná) Only sixteenth century 셔고〮나〮 (Yale: syèkwóná)
Based on 나찬연 2020, 중세 국어의 이해; Lee and Ramsey 2011, History of the Korean Language. Morphological segmentation of the verbal paradigm sometimes differs between analyses. The list is not exhaustive.

References edit

  1. 1.0 1.1 Lee, Ki-Moon, Ramsey, S. Robert (2011) A History of the Korean Language, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 145