Appendix:Proto-Alor-Pantar reconstructions

Proto-Alor-Pantar reconstructions:

Holton & Robinson (2017)


Lexical reconstructions by Holton and Robinson (2017) are:[1]

gloss proto-Alor-Pantar
bird *(a)dVl
name *en(i,u)
thatch *aman
black *aqana
vagina *-ar
two *araqu
bite *-asi
crocodile *bagai
yellow *bagori
pig *baj
leg *-bat
mat *bis
wave *bob
betel nut *bui
guard *bukan
smoke *bunaq
sing *dar(a)
slippery *dul(a)
thick *dumV
rat *dur
burn *ede
give *-ena
3sg *ga-
3gen *ge-
3pl *gi-
2sg *ha-
fish *habi
village *haban
fire, firewood *hada
yawn *hagur
breast *hami
excrement *has
empty *hasak
lime *hawar
dream *hipar
sugarcane *huːba
fruit *is(i)
laugh *jari
bad, broken *jasi
star *jibV
dog *jibar
water *jira
fly (v.) *jira(n)
five *jiwesin
mosquito *kin
fingernail *kusin
flea *kVt
walk *lam(ar)
tongue *-lebur
far *lete
crouch *luk(V)
bark (v.) *lVu
bat *madel
hear *magi
come *mai
betel vine *mait
father *-mam
bamboo *mari
(be) in/on *mi
climb *mid
nose *-mim
die *min(a)
sit *mis
banana *mogol
body hair *mudi
plant (v.) *mudin
horn *-muk
rotten *mVn
1sg *na-
eat/drink *nai
sibling (older) *nan(a)
one *nuk
throw *oda
tail *-ora
dry in sun *por
hold *p{i,u}nV
1pl.incl *pi-
spit *purVn
scorpion *pVr
goanna *rVsi
spear *qaba(k)
tens *qar-
new *siba
shark *sib(a,i)r
six *talam
saltwater *tam
fat *tama
hand/arm *-tan
pierce *tapai
stand *tas
tree *tei
bedbug *temek
ripe *tena
wake s.o. *-ten
recline *tia
expel *tiara
close (v.) *-tiari(n)
stomach *-tok
short *tukV
child *-uaqal
ear *-uari
tooth *uasin
knee *uku
mouth *-wa
sun *wadi
blood *wai
roof *wai
stone *war
coconut *wata
bathe *weli
moon *wur


  1. ^ Holton, Gary, Marian Klamer, František Kratochvíl, Laura C. Robinson, Antoinette Schapper. 2012. "The Historical Relations of the Papuan languages of Alor and Pantar". Oceanic Linguistics, Vol. 51, No. 1, June 2012
Vocabulary lists of Indo-Pacific languages

p-Trans-New Guinea • p-Northern Adelbert • p-Sogeram • Bayono-Awbono • Paniai Lakes • Kolopom • Bulaka River • Pauwasi • p-South Bougainville • p-Lower Sepik • p-Watam-Awar-Gamay • p-Lakes Plain • p-North Halmahera • p-Timor-Alor-Pantar • p-Alor-Pantar • Tayap • Massep


North Australian (basic) • p-Nyulnyulan • p-Mirndi • p-Gunwinyguan • Limilngan • Umbugarla • Minkin • Tiwi • Malak-Malak • Pama-Nyungan • p-Pama-Nyungan • p-Arandic • p-Thura-Yura • p-Ngayarda


p-Dravidian • Dravidian • Kusunda • Nihali • Kenaboi • p-Ongan